Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Closer to the end and it feels so damned good!

I see that our friend Peter LaBarbera is complaining about yesterday's decision against Repent America. I also noticed that in his rehashing of the situation, he omitted several facts. If you want to know the true story, check my post yesterday and hit the link for the article.

But on a happier note, hopefully by this time next month, my manuscript will be at the publisher. To say that I am happy is an understatement. It's been a long, complicated process and I still have so much left to do before this book is finished to my satisfaction.

Through my book, I intend to answer the following questions:

Why does the Traditional Values Coalition continue to plagiarize incorrect studies?

Why did Concerned Women for American distort a Dutch study to make the case against same-sex marriage when the study had nothing to do with marriage?

Why does the Family Research Council simultaneously claim that Alfred Kinsey is not a credible research and use his work against the gay community?

Why have several physicians and researchers gone on record claiming that the religious right distorts their work? (and if you think I am only talking about the recent cases involving Carol Gilligan and Kyle Pruett, think again.)

What is the relationship between the religious right and a discredited researcher who once allegedly advocated the “extermination” of the gay community in 1983 and 1985?

How do the religious right distort credible sexual health information in order to demonize the gay community?

What were the facts behind the Repent America and David Parker controversies and how did the religious right manipulate both to make a case against gay equality?

I hope you all are excited about this as I am.

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