Monday, January 22, 2007

Where is Agape Press?

I don't know what's going on. First Robert Knight leaves Concerned Women for America and now this.

Agape Press, the American Family Association's tribute to yellow journalism, is gone.

But don't break out the champagne yet because it hasn't totally disappeared.

Agape Press seems to have been swallowed up by a new news service, One News Now.

One News Now claims to "to present the day's news from a Christian perspective." In other words, it's a one-stop shop for all right wing news services from World Net Daily to News Max.

To me, it sounds like what would happen if Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers decided to pool their efforts.

Take that, Repent America!

The anti-gay industry just lost a reason to denounce hate crimes legislation.

Today, in Pennsylvania, a federal judge ruled that the city of Philadelphia was well within its rights to arrest Repent America protestors who disrupted a gay pride parade in 2004.

I cover the Repent America controversy in my upcoming book as a case of how the anti-gay industry manipulates current events to claim that gays are out to "silence" Christians.

In this case, they claimed that Repent America members were arrested merely because they "preached the gospel" to the gay community. The anti-gay industry also said that this scenario (i.e. Christians arrested for speaking out against homosexuality) would be commonplace if hate crimes legislation was passed.

What Concerned Women for America, Agape Press, and others who cried foul over Repent America's arrest conveniently forgot was that the group was not arrested for preaching the gospel, but doing it in a loud, obnoxious, and threatening manner.

Luckily for us, the judge ruling against Repent America choose not to omit this fact.

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