Sunday, October 26, 2008

This just in - Kevin McCullough is a hot mess

I will admit that the pandemonium from the other side over the possible election of Obama has been enjoyable.

And it gets more enjoyable when conservatives set their sites on the fact that there is a very high level of support in the African-American community for Obama.

On this point, all of the arguments the other side pushes seem to be "What is wrong with you stupid black people. How can you support this man rather than the candidate we want you to support. Why can't you be good puppies and do what we tell you."

Today, conservative writer Kevin McCullough takes the prize for inanity.

His piece, An Open Letter to Black Obama Supporters, is the usual self-righteous clap trap that black folks have heard from Republicans and conservatives this electoral season.

What makes McCullough's piece so special is this opening sentence, which by the way, negates anything point he makes in the piece:

As a man who has fathered a son whose skin is darker than the average African American, and has mild special needs on top that, I am guided in this election by more than just economics, security, and the right of all innocent human beings to life. This election I am burdened deeply by the manipulation of race, the impact of social justice, and the absolute disparity and reproach that an Obama administration would have in store for the African American families of this nation.

You got that, folks? Just because he has fathered a son whose skin is darker than the average African-American, McCullough feels that he has some credibility in the black community. He thinks that we should ignore American history, ignore all the talk of welfare queens, all of the Southern Strategies, all of the white hands commercials, and all of the Willie Horton scare tactics and embrace his point of view simply because his son has skin darker than the average African-American.

How very presumptous. And how very insulting. The fact that he has to justify his column by such a ridiculous opening says more about the Republican and conservative mind set than anything McCullough can dredge up by way of conversation.

The problem with folks like McCullough is that they want to ignore the parts of history that don't suit their agendas. They think that the pendulum of life should swing for them and actions done by those like them should have no negative consequences. They tend to think that black people are so stupid that we should roll over and forget history and common sense simply because someone like him says "bark."

A little tip, McCullough. Maybe you should have a talk with Pat Buchanan and others in your party who have gone out of their way to demonize African-Americans before you call yourself an expert in what can cause the black community harm.

UPDATE - McCullough is offended by this column. He told me so in the comments section. And of course I gave my answer back. This column is not about his son but how he tried to use his son to gain credibility in the black community. And for the record, the following link is a main reason why I give McCullough no credibility.


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Black Tsunami...

    It is I - the author of the piece you just described.

    Disagreeably disputing facts of what I brought up would've served you much better.

    You know yourself that in the black community in America - EVEN African Americans treat lighter skinned blacks, mulattoes, and mixed origin blacks differently than they do darker skinned people.

    You know that's true on the African continent, and in the Caribbean as well.

    You also know that being a white man - who adopted a special needs African American child - that there is a certain degree of disdain that will always be leveled at me.

    I gave up caring about what people like you thought about me fathering a black child years ago.

    But since many if not most of my readers do not know that I have a bi-racial family, I thought some might wonder why the issue of race in this election IS so important.

    My son will never know the advantages I did growing up. Not only is his skin dark in pigment - but he has special needs challenges that beset him.

    And he has been made fun of for BOTH from white, black, latino, and asian kids alike...

    See - what you held as disdain, I was simply trying to provide context for.

    And the fact that ran over here to your blog to spout hyperbole - nearly all of it wildly imaginative - just proved how little integrity you had in attempting to communicate in the first place.

    I care about the future of Black America - because to put it simply (and I'll use small words so that everyone can understand) - my son is PART of Black America.

    And like ANY parent, I want HIM to know a better future for his days ahead...

    You Black Tsunami should be ashamed of yourself...

  2. Kevin,

    For the record, my blog was not about your son so playing like you are offended over that won't impress me.

    You have absolutely NO credibility to be spouting off nonsense about how black people should be scared of an Obama presidency. The fact that you pulled out your son to gain that credibility was shameful, presumptous and very insulting. Especially in light of the rude comments you have stated about blacks in the past - especially that comment about Obama supporters looking skanky.

  3. Anonymous3:58 PM

    No wish to impress you.

    I don't know how to say it any clearer. I don't care what you think - at all...

    You've closed your mind - and you spammed the Townhall thread with your url to his post.

    My point was to demonstrate WHY I am concerned about the future of Black America.

    You claimed I used it illegitimately I corrected the record for your readers to see.

    And for the record - I never said ALL Obama supporters "looked" skanky.

    I ASKED a question - as to why many of them ARE skanky (in deeds and practice).

    Being precise is a good thing... even honorable.

  4. And my "spam" as you put it seems to be effective. It seems to have gotten under your skin at least.

    And your game of "exact" interpretation is tiresome. Generalizing about Obama supporters is an ugly thing to do. And to use the terminology the way you did was even uglier. To a degree, it was racial. Using the word skanky while showing a picture of a rapper dressed to the nines (and btw Jay-Z worked for his money) does send a negative connotation.

    And then you talk about how you fear for the future of Black America. I would fear for it to IF some of us actually took you seriously.
