Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama, Family Research Council, SC Black Pride and various other sh!*&

Today is the day that chaos will begin to reign. Lgbts of color in South Carolina will be celebrating our fourth annual black pride.

Continue to pray for me that I don't overdo things.

Since I am up early working on a couple of things for the function, allow me to briefly hit on a couple of things:

That's nice but lgbts didn't help to elect President Obama to receive crumbs. This had better be the appeitizer to a huge meal and not the meal itself.

Next - the Family Research Council tries to pull another fast one. This is the headline for one of its blog posts:

Two Parents = Fewer Run-ins with Police

It's not necessarily a correct headline. The post actually says:

In the latest Mapping America, the General Social Surveys show that adults who lived with both biological parents as adolescents are less likely ever to be picked up or charged by police.

So its adults who as adolescents lived with "their biological parents" are less likely to ever be picked up or charged by police, not necessarily folks who lived in two-parent households in general.

Gotta love that religious right bait and switch.

Finally is it just me or did no one give a damn about that press conference yesterday led by Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, and Sally Kern?

I have yet to see or hear anything from it.

Anyway, I'm outta here until lunch. Like I said before, pray for me and Black Pride.

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1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Obama, have you seen this site yet?

    I wonder how long it will be up before the author is forced to take it down.
