Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday midday news briefs

Campaign to save Maine's marriage law is launched. Opponents hired Yes on Prop. 8 campaign manager to kill our rights again. - The rematch!

Anti-bullying bill in jeopardy - Paul Cameronesque bullcrap rears its ugly head.

NOM threatens GOP primary challenges in New York - They are threatening to spend $500,00 to unseat any Republican who supports marriage equality. Where is this pathetic group getting all of that money?

Big city mayors pushing homosexual agenda - Because we all need fiber in our diets, a bit from One News Now complete with a quote from Peter LaBarbera who has YET to talk about his recent so-called press conference against President Obama supposedly pro-gay agenda. Was it that bad, Peter?

Presidential Memorandum: "A Very Small Step in the Right Direction" Presidential Action Highlights Need For DOMA Repeal - Sign the petition to DUMP DOMA!

And now for something completely different and campy. Can you spot the Oscar winners in this following clip:

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1 comment:

  1. Bill S1:26 PM

    Why, Rita Moreno and Morgan Freeman, of course! (I knew before watching it.)
    I'm pretty sure this aired after the stage musical "Grease" came out, but before the movie version. In fact, when the movie came out, I had a mental flashback of this skit.
    Righteous, brighteous, and out-a-sighteous.
