Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Perez Hilton gets slugged and why I really don't care

The word has come down that gossip columnist Perez Hilton was "assaulted" this week.

And no it wasn't by Carrie Prejean although it will probably be her favorite moment of 2009.

Apparently there was a dustup between Hilton,will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas and members of the band’s entourage. Words were spoken, then Hilton claimed to do the following:

And that is when I made the split-second decision - that I was gonna say what I thought was the worst possible thing that thug [will.i.am] would ever want to hear. As I was standing my ground - without being violent or physical which I would never do - I told him - and you know what? I don’t need to respect you and you’re a f**. You’re gay and stop being such a f***ot.

Hence the smackdown that left Hilton bleeding and Tweeting for his "fans" to call the police.

Now other than the fact that I'm glad that Hilton wasn't seriously hurt, I really could care less.

What a fucking waste of time for Hilton to publicize this mess as if he is a victim. I don't see him as a victim. What the hell is he doing using anti-gay derogatory terms in the first place?

No matter how he tries to rationalize it, Hilton heightened the intensity of the situation by his stupid words.

Like I said before, I am not for any type of violence (except for as a defense) but isn't it time for the lgbt community to put Hilton out to pasture.

He is a bottom feeding loudmouth immature bully whose only purpose is to distract the lgbt community - a living, breathing embodiment of the bread and circuses mentality that helped to destroy the Roman Empire.

I really don't think anyone is going to be in his corner here. Maybe he will learn that there are times you talk and then there are times that you need to shut the hell up.

If you want to see it, there is some video of the exchange here. You don't see anyone get punched though.

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  1. Bill S5:48 AM

    I'm not exactly proud of this, but my initial reaction to this was to start giggling. Partly because I knew he HADN'T been seriously injured (who tweets in an emergency? I'd have called 911.)
    The guy's an embarrassment. He really does need to just go away.

  2. Somehow Perez crossed over from being a celebrity chaser with a blog to being a "leader" of the GLBT community with a GLBT blog.


    Nobody should have supported him with the Carrie Prejean fiasco, and definitely not this time either.

    Leave it to a stupid bitch like him to create new antigay crusaders out of blonde bimbos with no education or talent outside of being a trophy wife.

    If he kept his big mouth shut, she'd already be married, cheering on a husband and at least 10 more future ex-husbands at NASCAR.

  3. Hilton used fighting words....he should expect a punch in the face.

  4. While I certainly am NOT condoning violence, I've been called the f-word before and the n-word before and both times, I momentarily lost coolness. One should think before one speaks always.

  5. "Now other than the fact that I'm glad that Hilton wasn't seriously hurt, I really could care less." I believe you mean to say that, I could not care less. Perez Hilton is a jackass of the first order. Hilton is someone who seeks attention and celebrity status by reporting the dirt on calibrates. He is a parasite.

  6. As long as the idea that i don't give a crap about the supposed trials and tribulations of perez hilton is fully understood, it doesn't matter how i say it. lol

  7. a lot of people don't understand that it's okay for Mario (Perez) to be petty and contradict himself all the time... see, that's how he makes a living
