Monday, June 22, 2009

Mark Sanford is missing, SLDN protests, and Chick publications - this is a strange day

I'm working on getting the pictures for the 2009 SC Black Pride so that I can post them here. They should be posted in a few days.

However, two news items has just made this day very weird:

Sanford, missing since Thursday, reportedly located - I kid you not. This is a SERIOUS news story. As much as I can't stand the man and enjoyed seeing him with egg on his face in his continuing battle with the SC General Assembly, I hope this turns out to be nothing major.

SLDN to join protesters outside DNC gay fundraiser Thursday - When the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, the lead lgbt organization against the military's anti-gay policy is protesting the Democrats, you just know it's a big deal.

Hat tip to and Pams House Blend but only because you two beat me to the postings ;p

Now since the main purpose of this blog is to expose (and in some cases) laugh at religious right lies about the lgbt community, I thought that I would focus on what is becoming a favorite of mine - Chick Publication comics.

If you think the last thing I posted coming from them was homophobic, then check out these clips from Doom Town.

Chick Publications calls this comic a "compassionate plea" against homosexuality.

I call it a hot mess.

It's ironic that members of the religious right accuse lgbts of manipulating the Bible for our own purposes when sometimes they are guilty of the same thing.

I don't recall anything about "gay pedophilia" being in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Nor do I recall the other stuff present in the comic being in the Bible.

The entire comic is here if you want to see it. That is if the clips posted below don't make you sick:


  1. Nor do I recall Rip Taylor being in the bible.

    But in that first picture, Chick is once again bullshitting! Rip Taylor is old, but he's not ANCIENT!

  2. Oh good God, this is one of Chick's worst ones.

    "He destroyed an entire city because of the sin of homosexuality"

    Really? It wasn't the rape? Because I think it was the rape. Or is he saying that if the men had all gone to Lot's house to rape two strange women, God would have been fine with that? I guess by Jack Chick's logic, rape is okay as long as it's between a man and a woman, like God intended.

    In a related note, last year I found this hilarious blog that "dissects" Chick comics:

  3. By the way, the good guy in the comic looks EXACTLY like Freddie Mercury.

  4. Bill S6:18 AM

    Where to begin?
    It's kind of obvious this wasn't meant to be a call for compassionate treatment of LGBT people-especially if you read the whole tract. The first couple panels quote a video-I think it's the notorious "Gay Agenda".
    He also uses language to stir disgust and paranoia-that conspiracy to intentionally infgect blood banks with AIDS-"They're murderers!" Or how about the warning that Our Heroic Minister is going to be "ripped to pieces"? Or descriptions of them as perverted, and as likely to raPE CHILDREN AS ADULTS.
    Don't get me started on how Biblically innacurate it is. I mean, the incident where the men of Sodom stand before Lot's door, demanding he turn over his guests to be raped? wHAT THEY ACTUALLY SAID WAS, "bring out these men so we may know them!" The word "know" doesn't always mean "have sex with" in the Bible. (For a laugh, try substituting the word "know" with "F*CK" every time ity's used.) Lot invites to strangers to his home. The men of Sodom learn about this. Which of the following scenarios is the most realistic?
    1. The men are suspicious about these two intruders, and, in a fit of paranoia, demand that Lot turn them over to find out who they are.
    2. They're ALL horny for two guys they've never even met before.
    Strange how many people assume it's the latter. (Oh, and Chick leaves out the part where Lot tries to appease the crowd by offering his daughters to them.)
    Of course nobody in a Chick tract ever challenges his protagonists' interpretation of the Bible. They seem to come in three basic types-Clownish dolts, angry, hostile bullies, and instant converts.
    Which brings me to something else-I'm fairly certain this is a revised edition of the tract. There used to be an additional panel in which the young man Our Herioc Minister talks to expresses his disillusionment with the "Lies" he'd been told-"I became a modern day Sodmomite* because my teacher told me there was nothing wrong with homosexuality!"(I'm probably paraphrasing, but not by much). He then becomes an Instant Convert. (You can tell this was the original direction the tract was going to take. See if you can guess how!)
    *No gay man, upon hearing that story, would be stupid enough to say this-"You're right! I'm just like those men who demanded their neighbor turn over his house guests to be raped!" I'm pretty sure MY reaction to that story would be to politely tell him to fuck off. Nor would I be all that touched by the Heroic Minister's "concern" for me. "Oh, you're just trying to warn me that the God you've chosen to believe thinks it's okay to burn people alive for being gay? Yeah, there's a God who deserves to be praised! Oh, and what about that cute little kid who got raped by the hairy perv? Didn't HE get cremated too?"
    Sorry to be so long-winded in this comment. I guess I had more to say than I originally thought.

  5. Bill S6:30 AM

    Oops. I was wrong-Chick DOES include the part about Lot offering his daughters to be raped. So the message is, "Raping girls is okay, but men? That rates a death sentence!"
    Which shows how utterly messed up this guy REALLY is.
