Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson confirms it - South Carolina has lost its mind

No doubt when Rep. Joe Wilson ran for the late Floyd Spence's seat, he wanted to make history.

You got your wish, Rep. Wilson.

You will be remembered for an absolutely ugly outburst during President Obama's speech on healthcare. An outburst so nasty, so rude that I'm actually going to watch Glenn Beck, read Michelle Malkin, and the posts on Free Republic to see just how they will justify it.

You will remembered for an outburst so nasty, so rude that it got teabaggers feeling sorry for the president.

And though you probably feel like a real dummy (because that's what you looked like - a real dummy), take solace in a few facts:

You were man enough to give an apology without making yourself into a martyr, some oddballs will actually think of you as a hero, and your name will be on the lips of probably every black pastor in the state.

Although on second thought, that last point may not be a good thing. They'll probably rehash your negative comments when Strom Thurmond black daughter, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, went public about her father.

But cheer up. You and other officials of this state have given me a good response to make the next time someone asks me why as an lgbt do I remain in South Carolina.

Now I can say:

"Are you kidding? We got an adulterous Governor, a possibly gay Lt. Governor, a former chair of the state education board who wrote pornography and a representative who can't control himself when a black president is speaking.

If I left now, I would probably miss the floor show."

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  1. Two words, Christian Exodus! I've been trying to warn people about this "Fringe Group" for some time now and their web site now confirms they are completely entrenched in South Carolina politics...See the logo!. This group, who wants to create a state run by fudamentalist evangelical christianity and then secede from the union,is the authority and justification behind the actions of Mark Sanford, Joe Wilson, and other South Carolina republicans! It's time to look again at this radical group and see if this is not an explanation for the current bizzare political happenings in South Carolina.

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I forgot about the homeschooling porn queen on the state school board. Wilson- what a moron and yet, he brings us a clearer picture of GOP elected officials- stupid and rude and elected by those possibly stupider and ruder than himself.
    Maryland is so dull by comparison(and thank goodness for that!)


  3. upset south carolinian that thinks that joe has got to go9:01 AM

    you burro you dim witted dummy dont we enough problems in south carolina for idoits like you to go and worsen things for the good people. why cant you just do like the other republicans did and just hold up a sign and KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!! now we not only have cheating governor, a possibly gay lt. governor, now we have a idiot rep. that is supposed to be mess not digging us deep into it.
