Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some Freepers defend Joe Wilson with time-honored racism

Yes this is an lgbt blog, but it also a South Carolina blog.

And let's face it - in light of all that's happened recently in this state regarding the hypocrisy of those who espouse "family values," (hello Governor Mark Sanford) I simply have to comment on the latest embarrassment, i.e. Rep. Joe Wilson.

The immediate reaction is one of shock and outrage from both sides of the aisle over his verbal attack on President Obama during his speech.

However, at Free Republic (where they would find reasons to lock up Little Red Riding Hood but set the wolf loose), things are slightly different:

Did our President really lie? What aspect of Obamacare was the POTUS being less than forthright? Why was Wilson so compelled to make an outburst? Was he totally frustrated with the complex and ever-changing legislation, with the lack of communication with the Marxist-leaning Democrats? If Wilson was correct, then should you and your fellow Democrats explain themselves better and apologize to the American people?

And Joe Wilson was on the verge of a fund raising boom himself for stating the truth. I even saw one posting here linking to his fund raising site. Unfortunately, by apologizing, he will probably not now get that boom and is being denounced by both sides.

Wilson will reap $$$$ ten-fold over Miller when the donations are counted . Bout’ time someone stood up to this “ brown clown “ !

The apology: "While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.” Not for calling him a liar. I have no problem with that.

He’s lucky the Obamunists didn’t have him removed from the room and shot.

No apology for calling a spade a spade.

Way to go, guys.

I hear that Wilson's challenger has benefited greatly from this controversy. In the long run, though, I doubt this will have a long-term effect on Wilson. To some in this state, he will probably looked at as a hero.

Also, when we elect national representatives in this state, we keep them like luggage. And you know some people just can't get rid of luggage, no matter how beat up and broken down it is.

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