Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lgbt parenting - myths vs. reality

For those interested, the midday news briefs post is below this one.

But I wanted to demonstrate something. A lot has been said about lgbt parenting so I decided to show how some folks on the right think of lgbt parenting vs. the reality.

Granted, some folks will think that the clip from the right is a bit extreme, but to me, it demonstrates the mindset that some have but aren't willing to publicly admit (Editor's note - this clip comes from a comedy youtube site but it is an actual tract from Chick Publications, which supposedly gives information from a "Christian" perspective):

Okay, now here is the reality:

Any questions?

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  1. Jack Chick...


  2. Bill S4:18 AM

    The worst thing about that Chick tract is that its interpretation of Scripture is so simple-minded and indiotic.
    I've also noticed that Chick, like ALL wingnuts, is too cowardly to present an opposing side the way they REALLY are, or have them say anything they'd actually say. It's offensive enough that all the people who disagree with him are presented as mean and ugly-even when, as this tract illustrates, they're discouraging someone from bad behavior (the teacher's scolding the boy for using an anti-gay slur). But they're conveniently inarticulate as well. Which, by the way, makes these tracts useless to anyone in a debate-he's not even preparing kids who read them for a social situation in which they might encounter someone with a more progressive viewpoint. He's encouraging them to sound like bigoted assholes.
    That said, his tracts are also too ludicrous to really get angry about-"If anyone tries to make you gay, stay away from them!"

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    A vast majority of the Chick tracts are rather funny in and of themselves.

    It's all ludicrous.
