Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More on the AFA's attack on Home Depot and lgbt families and other Tuesday midday news briefs

Love your dads, become part of an AFA condemnation - Apparently there is more to the story than what I posted this morning about the American Family Association's attack on Home Depot. Long story short - those pictures used by the AFA in it's attack, particularly the one with the child who is proud of his two dads, were meant to be positive images of lgbt families. This means the AFA, in the name of "morality" and "truth" exploited those pictures to present a false image of the lgbt community. Kind of makes you angry, doesn't it? It should.

Gay and Transgender Youth Homelessness by the Numbers - There simply is NO EXCUSE for this.

Gays will get leave to care for partner's sick child - Almost forgot about this bit of good news.

Costs prompt AIDS expert to close S.F. practice - This ain't good.

Dispatches from Greg Quinlan’s Crazy Space - Just when you have seen it all, supposed "ex-gay" Greg Quinlan produces a new spin on Obama Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.

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1 comment:

  1. Geeze, Louise. Religious people take their infants to church, send the kids to Jesus Camp, hand out little Bibles to school children and have their toddlers hold "Yes on Prop 8" signs. Then they turn around and claim our kids are being abused and "indoctrinated" because they ride in a wagon during a parade. What a bunch of malarkey.
