Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An ugly flashback courtesy of Anita Bryant

A Facebook friend pointed this out to me so all credit goes to him.

This is an interview with the infamous Anita Bryant from 1990. It's important that the entire lgbt community, particularly the younger generation, take in and remember our history, whether it be good or bad.

What strikes me is Bryant's continued ignorance. She falsely accused gays of being pedophiles and claimed that it was her "Christian duty" to do such. Who knew Jesus dealt in lies.

The more things change, the more they stay the same when it comes to folks in the religious right, don't they?

One more thing: Bryant's career is still in tatters and probably will never recover. Not celebrating, mind you. Just pointing that out..

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Celebrate it. Even today we have the bigots who pay dearly for denigrating LGBT folks. Need I mention poor little Carrie Prejean? What of her lately?

    And that part where Bryant gets the pie in the face. That cheers me up every time I see it.
