Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Constance McMillen wins huge victory, Breitbart's revenge, and other Tuesday midday news briefs

Won Mississippi: Constance's limo rental budget gets a bump - Constance McMillen wins a HUGE victory for herself and other lgbt youths.

NOM’s followers are so full of “love” that it oozes right out of them - Now that's nicer than I would have put it.

Why won't Breitbart release the full Shirley Sherrod/NAACP video? - And for those interested in the ongoing NAACP vs. Tea Party feud, the sleaziest man in journalism, Andrew Breitbart, has weighed in with a tape of a (former) USDA official Shirley Sherrod allegedly being extremely racist during an NAACP speech. Only a few things though - the incident was over 20 years ago, and the part  of the speech shown (Breitbart's tape ends abruptly) is a part of a larger anecdote that Sherrod was telling the audience. But we know how this works. The tea party folks, with the help of Fox News, is suddenly slightly re-energized after a disastrous week. I say "slightly" because from what I understand, the mainstream media and some conservative bloggers are asking questions as to what does the full tape show. And we all know Breitbart's "truthiness" when it comes to taped footage. LOL

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  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Just saw Shirley Sherrod on CNN. It is appalling how the Administration threw her under the bus and how the NAACP drove over her body too. It was an anecdote about OVERCOMING racism, for crying out loud!

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I've watched it and read the transcripts and this appears to be a clear cut case of racism on her part. Also the speech wasn't 20 years ago, the incident was. I think they were justified in doing this because if a white person had done the same thing they would've been fired as well.

  3. Sorry but the speech in question was 20 years ago. The particular speech you are talking about was in March was pretty much the same thing - she was totally taken out of context - http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/07/watch_full_video_of_sherrods_speech.php?ref=fpa

  4. Correction - you are correct about one thing. The speech was in March. The incident was over 20 years ago. But other than that, you are not correct with your assessment.
