Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Supporter of Uganda's anti-gay bill joins LaBarbera 'Truth Academy'

Anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera has a new "instructor" for his upcoming anti-gay training conference - Cliff Kincaid

From People for the American Way:

 . . . Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid, who shares a LaBarbera-level hatred for gays, has now been added to the list of instructors, which explains why he is now writing glowing columns about the conference warning that it is our only hope of save America from its "moral suicide" as gays seek to kill themselves and everyone else:

LaBarbera is one of those brave few taking a leadership role in the effort to preserve traditional American social and religious values. Fighting off the predictable smears of “hater” and “homophobe” from the gay-run Media Matters group and the Southern Poverty Law Center, he and his associates will be gathering near Chicago from August 5-7 to educate the next generation—and their parents—about the consequences if homosexuality is promoted in the schools and by the federal government. This is when AFTAH is launching a Truth Academy on how to fight the “gay agenda.” I am honored to be invited to be a part of this effort. I will be discussing gay influence on the media and the homosexual drive for the “right” to donate possibly infected and contaminated blood to the nation’s blood supply.

LaBarbera, head of the anti-gay group Americans for Truth, announced plans for his "Truth Academy" in June. He claimed that it is to instruct the next generation (between the ages of 14 to 25) lessons in "combatting the gay agenda" and supposed homosexual "misinformation" at a cost of $99 a head.

His list of instructors are dubious enough, but the selection of Kincaid adds more of a sinister air to the mix.

Kincaid openly supported Uganda's "Kill The Gays" bill even when it was facing a backlash.

In February he said the following:

"Uganda's people and government deserve support, not criticism, from the United States. They are up against the international homosexual lobby, the money of George Soros, and the Obama Administration. They are trying to create a Christian culture that is protective of families and children." 

As far as it is known, Kincaid continues to support the bill.

One can only imagine what he will be telling young folks about the lgbt community.

Related posts: 

'Porno Pete' LaBarbera wants to instruct the next generation

Protest Planned Against ’Americans for Truth’ Anti-Gay Workshop

'Porno' Pete LaBarbera for your listening pleasure

Cliff Kincaid's International Gay-Bashing

Cliff Kincaid: Outcry against Ugandan bill a conspiracy to save Kevin Jennings

Cliff Kincaid, Britt Hume, and the descent of Christianity

Anti-Gay “Truth Academy” curriculum released

Peter LaBarbera's Warped Understanding of Civility

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  1. Mykelb6:37 AM

    Child abuse that stinks of predation.

  2. Protest planned for opening of LaBarbera's "Academy"

    LaBarbera's anti-LGBT "academy" begins with a banquet on the evening of Wednesday, August 4 at the AFTAH headquarters, 25W560 Geneva Road in Carol Stream, IL (transportation is being arranged for those coming from Chicago).

    Please join us for a protest at 5:30 PM protest to send the message that his hate is not welcome, and that we're appalled that he is targeting youth for his hate message.

    The protest is co-sponsored by the Gay Liberation Network, DuPage National Organization for Women, Woodstock/McHenry County PFLAG and La Voz de los de Abajo. More info can be found at our Facebook event page:


    or by emailing LGBTliberation@aol.com
