Thursday, December 09, 2010

DADT repeal, Eddie Long trying to settle sexual coercion lawsuits, and other Thursday midday news briefs

All eyes are on the Senate today as hopefully they take up discussion of DADT. Heavy prayers, people. Heavy prayers.

Ex-senator reverses opposition to gays in military - Nice reversal from the guy who led the charge to keep from serving openly in the military during the Clinton years 17 years ago.

Chaplains Worry About Careers If 'Don't Ask' Is Lifted - Poppycock!

Senator Collins, why are tax cuts for the rich more important than pay raises for the troops? - An excellent question.

WATCH: Anti-Gay Pastor Eddie Long Attempting to Settle Sexual Coercion Lawsuits - Oh really?

Social Conservative Bryan Fischer: Blame The Gays For WikiLeaks - Bryan Fischer strikes again.

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  1. Found a new liar site for you to track hon.

    They blocked me from commenting because they couldn't figure out a way to answer the fact that my own intersexed body proves God DOES make mistakes and they're wrong about biology. And they offer no method of contacting their authors at all. Classic wingut enclave. Every story is RRW Propaganda 101. They cite all the old liar standys like WND and NARTH as proof of fact, and don't even attempt to sugarcoat their very UNchristian hatred.

  2. Ah yes. I'm familiar with them. I think i had an argument with one of their writers years ago. LOL
