Thursday, December 09, 2010

Rachel Maddow gives anti-gay Ugandan enough rope to hang himself

Now see this is what a credible journalist does.

Rachel Maddow had David Bahati on her show. Bahati is the member of Ugandan Parliament who is heavily pushing the infamous "kill the gays" bill.

She didn't yell at him. She didn't interrupt him. She didn't talk over him. Maddow simply used her skills as a journalist to let Bahati show himself as the homophobic fraud that he is.

It is a big long but enjoy it. It's just too, too awesome.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Related post:

Megyn Kelly vs. Rachel Maddow - you decide who is the journalist and who is the #&^@

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:13 AM

    WOW! Just goes to show the inherent contradictions of multicultural-Identity tolerance politics: in order to 'tolerate and respect' 'Christian' and 'Ugandan Values and Sovereignty' we must tolerate their rabid intolerance of Homosexuality. Kudos against to Maddow's excellence in engaged political newswomynship.
