Thursday, July 07, 2011

Anti-gay groups still trying to salvage victory over Kevin Jennings

Two anti-gay hate groups claimed victory recently with the elimination of the Education Department's The Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. That office was led by Obama appointee Kevin Jennings.

Those on the right waged a huge, unsuccessful war to get Jennings removed over a year and a half ago by smearing him as a pedophilia-enabling, Christian-hating, monster who likes to teach children about bizarre sexual practices.  None of these charges stuck, however and Jennings stayed employed until finally resigning early this year to become president and CEO of  Be the Change, a nonprofit organization.

Because he left on his own, no one on the right could take credit for Jennings's resignation. However, it would seem that they are trying to salvage a victory out of the embarrassment they endured over Jennings by claiming victory because the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools is being eliminated.

From the Family Research Council (with a cute, but highly immature graphic):

It took 18 months of protest, but FRC can finally celebrate a major victory at the Office of Safe and Drug-free Schools. The agency, which (until two weeks ago), was headed by radical homosexual activist Kevin Jennings, has been eliminated. In a statement, the Deputy Secretary for Education announced that Congress had cut the Office's funding by almost $80 million, and it could no longer operate at the level which the Department had grown accustomed. Starting this summer, its duties will be absorbed by another program--knocking the Office's LGBT indoctrination campaign down several rungs on the Department's ladder. For more than a year, FRC had fought the administration on Jennings's appointment, which seemed to be a front for advancing the homosexual agenda in American classrooms. With the help of 53 Congressmen, FRC battled for Jennings's removal, even launching a special website to inform parents about his real motives. Now, a year and a half after his appointment, the Office of Safe and Drug-free Schools is finally where it belongs: on the cutting room floor.

And from Mass Resistance, the group behind many of the smears lodged against Jennings:

Although it's difficult to pinpoint the exact amounts, it's estimated nearly three-quarters of the funding to [Kevin] Jennings' "Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools" is being cut by Congress in the upcoming 2012 budget!
This follows nearly over eighteen months of pressure from Mass Resistance and media outrage (using our research and reports) about Jennings' horrible history as a homosexual activist and his use of his Federal office to push the homosexual agenda in schools across the country, and our demand that his office be de-funded.

In actuality, neither group had anything to do with the elimination of the "Safe Schools" office. It would seem that the office became the victim of budget cuts - the thing that everyone seems to be talking about in Washington these days.

So in short, neither FRC nor Mass Resistance had anything to do with Jennings's leaving his office or the elimination of the "Safe Schools" office.

But like the old saying goes - "If that's the story they want to tell . . ."

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  1. Thomas Robbins8:46 AM

    I'm gonna be honest, and as immature as this may sound, but... it looks like the little old man is going absolutely buck wild on the photo of jennings. hooray for FRC's possibly subconcious screwups.

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I'm all for being immature.

    Does a constantly lying mofo not qualify as a pathological liar?

    Is pathological lying not classified as a mental disorder?

    Can one be both blind and stupid?
