Thursday, July 07, 2011

Video issues nasty attack on same-sex parenting and other Thursday midday news briefs

The religious right constantly whines that the gay community doesn't show "tolerance" for their views. But I ask you, could you tolerate this madness:

In other news:

Is Bradlee Dean Michele Bachmann’s Rev. Wright? - Look who is sharing the stage with Michele Bachmann.

All the views are fit to print? Not in the marriage debate. Not in the MSM. Not yet. - A PERFECT example of why us lgbtq bloggers need to step up when the mainstream media won't do their job.

Gay marriage, bishops and the crisis of leadership - FINALLY! An article which takes the Catholic Church leadership to task over their fight to harm marriage equality.

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  1. And they have the BALLS to play the victim card.


  2. When will they ever leave us alone?!?!? Next we'll have mainstream television commercials for a pill to cure homosexuality. They'll use scientific proof by we are who we are and then deny that this is part of universal law of nature! We don't have commercials putting their social structures down! Why should they!?

    Thanks for posting, Alvin! I will reblog this on our blog!

  3. W. Lotus6:01 AM

    What's weird is they see nothing wrong with using children to advance their hatred and disrespect towards their fellow human beings. Ugh.

  4. Kids never react like that it's only adults that have had the time to foster bigoted and prejudiced attitudes that do. It's ironic that they also managed to put gender equality back a few years as well, because a daddy couldn't possibly know how to cook could he?? Just came across your blog and just wanted to comment and say thank you.

  5. Donny D.12:44 PM

    This video is just ugly.

    I agree, Ranter: What an amazingly sexist view of men. According to this crew of religious righties, we're too angry and competitive to function together in a dual-parent relationship.
