Thursday, September 29, 2011

Does Mitt Romney want to be president THIS BADLY?

Earlier today, I made mention of the fact that soon, several Republican presidential candidates will be sharing the stage at a right-wing conference with Bryan Fischer - a man who has said vile, homophobic things about the gay community

I also said that I am sure that these candidates are aware of the things Fischer has said but will ignore them if no one in the media brings it to their attention.

However in the case of one candidate, Mitt Romney, I am not sure that bringing Fischer's homophobic comments to his attention would do any good. This is because of the fact that Fischer has made equally awful comments about folks of the Mormon faith, which is the religion Romney practices:


My argument all along has been that the purpose of the First Amendment is to protect the free exercise of the Christian religion.

One evidence that [the Founding Fathers] were not dealing ... they weren't even intending to deal with non-Christian religions is what they did with Mormonism in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Mormonism - they call themselves by the name of Christ, but it is not an orthodox Christian network of churches, it just is not. Mormonism is not an orthodox Christian faith. It just is not. They have a different Gospel, they have a completely different definition of who Christ is and so forth, I mean, the list could be multiplied endlessly.

And it was very clear that the Founding Fathers did not intend to preserve automatically religious liberty for non-Christian faiths, so when Mormonism came along, they practiced polygamy, they believed in polygamy, just like Muslims do today. It was a part of their revealed religion. God had commanded Joseph Smith to have multiple wives and commanded Joseph Smith to go tell your wife Emma, look you gotta room, I want my son Joseph to be able to have as many wives as he wants so you're just going to have to accept it. So God is telling Emma through Joseph Smith, look you're just going to have to live with this deal. So multiple wives in the Mormon Church until 1890 when the Mormon Church told their folks to obey the law.

The Mormon Church, by the way, has never denounced the practice of polygamy. It has not. What it did in 1890, if you go back to the Doctrines and Covenants, what the Mormon Church did is they advised - it wasn't even an order - they advised the members of the LDS Church to obey the law which said one man, one woman, period. So my guess is that if those that are trying to legalize polygamy, and they are working on it right now ... [Fischer cites court case pushing for recognition of polygamy and says it the same as using courts to push for gay marriage] ... If there is some activist court that says you have to recognize polygamous marriages in your state, you're going to start seeing the LDS church, I believe go back to the exercise of polygamy. If it's legal, because all they told their folks is obey the law, if the law says you can have multiple wives, I believe the LDS Church will be out in the front of the pack.

I mean, not everybody in the LDS Church is going to do it any more than all the members of the LDS Church ever did it. It was a minority even in Joseph Smith's day - I mean, Brigham Young set some kind of world record for number of wives, I mean he was up there in Muhammad territory frankly. But most Mormons didn't do it, it was just a small percentage that had the resources to be able to do it. But I think it will come back, it will come back pretty vigorously in the Mormon Church, again, because all the church fathers said in 1890, just obey the law. Well, if the law says you can have multiple wives, they'll be back.

As far as it is known, Romney is still going to share the stage with him, nor has he said a word about Fischer's comments regarding the Mormon faith.

The question here is how can the gay community ask Romney to call Fischer out for disrespecting us when he won't even say a word about Fischer disrespecting his religion?

Damn, Mitt. I know you want to be President, but is getting the religious right to vote for you worth losing integrity or self-respect?

Hat tip to Right-Wing Watch.

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1 comment:

  1. Romney's refusal to call out Bryan Fischer on his bigotry is no different than a gay republican not speaking out against Bryan Fischer. It's disappointing that some people are so willing to get the nomination, they're willing to deny who they are.
