Thursday, September 29, 2011

'Republican presidential candidates sharing stage with hateful Bryan Fischer' and other Thursday midday news briefs

According to People for the American Way, several Republican presidential candidates will be sharing the stage at the "Values Voters" summit with Bryan Fischer. Now we all know Bryan Fischer. He is probably the singular reason why the American Family Association was declared to be a hate group:

Let's be honest here - the GOP presidential candidates are probably aware of Fischer and his history of hate. However, since no media or anyone else has pressed them on the issue as they should be pressed, they are going to continue to avoid the subject. You see what happens when the gay community and those concerned with our issues don't make it a point to speak up about them?

And in other news . . .

Breaking: anti-gay N.C. Senator Forrester falsifies credentials – and an open letter to the lawmaker - Days after an embarrassing interview with Michelangelo Signorile, anti-gay North Carolina legislator James Forrester is exposed as a fraud.

Councilwoman Kimberly Daniels Goes On Rant About Human Rights - Truth Wins Out warned us about crazy Kimberly "Demon-Buster" Daniels and look what happens when no one paid attention.

Judge Rules Illinois Can End Contracts With Discriminating Catholic Charities - For all of their whining about religious persecution, not one person defending the Catholic Charities brought up a defense for them using taxpayer money to discriminate against the gay community.

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  1. Mary Jane, Sacramento11:18 AM

    Just want to thank you for the work you do. I have accessed you via WHOF, and now am a definite fan. When you shine the spotlight on the hatred and bigotry we all face from people and organizations such as Fischer and the AFA, it helps direct people to action. You are helping to create and support a broad community of activists. Keep up the good work-- no one is free and safe until everyone is free and safe.

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Mary Jane ;p. They are very much appreciated.
