Friday, September 09, 2011

NOM is now attacking same-sex families

According to Equality Matters, the Ruth Institute - a group affiliated with the National Organization for Marriage, is pushing nonsense which attacks same-sex families:

On September 7, the Ruth Institute published excerpts from a column written by David van Gend, a spokesman for the Family Council of Queensland in Australia. Van Gend has previously encouraged gay people to “escape the suffering of same-sex attraction” through so-called ex-gay therapy. Yeah, it’s going to be one of those columns.

In his piece, Van Gend makes clear that it’s not just marriage equality he’s opposed to – it’s any law that allows same-sex couples to raise children:
Obviously there are tragic situations where a child cannot have both a mum and a dad, such as the death or desertion of a parent, but that is not a situation we would ever wish upon a child, and that is not a situation that any government should inflict upon a child.
Yet legalising same-sex marriage will inflict that deprivation on a child. That is why it is wrong, and that is why all laws are wrong that permit single people or same-sex couples to obtain a child by IVF, surrogacy, or adoption. [emphasis added]
Van Gend’s full column is also bursting at the seams with anti-gay misinformation, including:
  • Asserting that marriage equality will lead to polygamy
  • Citing MassResistance – a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-gay hate group – to support the (thoroughly debunked) claim that kids are being forced to learn about homosexuality in school
  • Promoting the (also thoroughly debunked) myth that the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) distributed copies of “The Little Black Book” to high school students
Opposing same-sex parenting, repeating long-disproved anti-gay talking points, and partnering with known hate groups – all in a day’s work at NOM.

They just can't help themselves, can they?  Time to add more reasons to my Why NOM is bigoted list.

Related post:

Eleven examples of NOM's bigotry 

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1 comment:

  1. I keep trying to remember that this is a country with laws on the books pertaining to a separation of church and state. All th while, I'm constantly shaking my head an pinching myself that this doesn't seem to have been happening for quite some time. If you remind certain people of this, then you're un-american. I'm not american, anyway, so I'll keep making my comments and thinking differently. To the point of same sex families: How are hetero families better for children who need parents? Isn't the fact that so much abuse, neglect and suffering happens in these "perfect" families enough to stop trying to paint them as an ideal. Children need parents who love and care for them. I don't know of any child who hasn't been brainwashed tha cares about the sexual orientation of her/his parents. Ask a child what's important and that will not be one of the items on the list.
