Friday, September 09, 2011

Refuting anti-gay lies in North Carolina and other Friday midday news briefs

Standing Ovation For North Carolina's James Forrester After Saying Gay People Are 'Unhealthy' - Unbelievable hot mess. And with all due respect, the article merely reported what this man said and offered no refutations. Allow me to. His lie is from either two sources - 1. is the discredited research of Paul Cameron. 2. A 1997 Canadian study. In 2001, the researchers of the study came out complaining as to how the religious right was cherry picking their work to make the phony claim that gay men have a short lifespan. It's not enough to publicized what homophobes say. When we know that they are lying, we need to say this.

Related posts:

Why we should care about Paul Cameron

How religious right groups distort good science in the name of God

In other news . . .

Anti-Gay Tennessee Group Whines About Inclusive Insurance Agency - Poor babies.

Kern Doubles Down On Claim That Homosexuality Is "More Dangerous" Than Terrorist Attacks - But yet when we called Kern out for saying such mess, we were somehow "persecuting" her.
Something Rotten In The State Of NOM… - NOM rewrites Hamlet?

Top 20 Things That Owe Their Existence to Queers - Let's end the news briefs with a very good history lesson.

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1 comment:

  1. Gregory Peterson4:41 PM

    Here's the original article.
