Saturday, October 15, 2011

BUSTED! NOM supported poll against marriage equality called out for distortions

This piece is pretty significant as far as I am concerned because it is the lead story of the Huffington Post's Gay Voices section:
Contrary to almost every other national poll regarding marriage equality, Deseret News, a newspaper owned by the Mormon Church, claims that two thirds of Americans oppose marriage equality.

When the mouthpiece of the Mormon Church publishes a new poll showing that two thirds of Americans now oppose marriage equality, it raises some questions. One needs to ask who conducted the poll, who was questioned, and whether respondents reflect the demographics of the national population. There is little such information in the article. All it or the attached graphics indicate is that 1,000 randomly chosen adults in 50 states were surveyed.

Did these people represent groups proportionally, or, as in a previous National Organization for Marriage poll, was it skewed toward older respondents? Deseret News doesn't say, nor do they reveal whether respondents reflect the population distribution of the states. For instance, a poll that over-surveys residents of the South will be skewed in one direction, while one that over-surveys residents of the Pacific states and New England would give very different results.

And that's only the beginning. Other juicy tidbits of the article includes revealing the author of the poll: - Gary Lawrence

Latter-Day Commentary describes him as an "LDS, Republican, conservative hawk" who was the "state LDS grassroots director for the Protect Marriage coalition. Brother Lawrence, who has served as a bishop has spent over 35 years studying opinions and behaviors of the American public."

 . . . Lawrence is a political propagandist who earned a pretty penny peddling anti-gay polls. He is also being paid by NOM and the right-wing Minnesota Family Council to produce poll results on their behalf. Minnesota Independent reported that "the groups touting the survey are remaining mum about the poll's details." Lawrence said that he can't release the data "purchased by an outside group." At least he didn't suggest they fork out $29.50 for his book on how Mormons can "improve their image, and spread the gospel."

The article should be read in its entirety.

James Peron of the Moorfield Storey Institute - the writer of the piece - did his job well. He should be commended, as should the Huffington Post for giving the article prominence.

It is worth mentioning that NOM trumpeted the results of this poll yesterday on its blog. Perhaps someone - in a polite manner because we NEVER need to stoop to their level - should let the organization know that its face is now cracked and on the ground.

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  1. Here's what I posted to their blog site, though I hardly ever get published by them, and yet I write in a very respectable manner. They just don't like what I write, and therefore never post it, but here it is:

    "Equality has always prevailed, even when done slowly. America, and our society as a whole, benefits when equality prevails and marriage equality will be no different. Don't believe me, just look at our history. The proof is there.

    I often get the sense that anti-marriage equality people are somehow terrified. Terrified of some mythological marriage equality creature hiding in their closets. But, when we all became adults, we realized there were no monsters hiding in our closets. The very same can be said about marriage equality. The monster you fear only exist in your imagination."

    I doubt they'll post it, but just the same, there it is.

    Bobby In Seattle

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    And if you look at the poll results you notice a few things.

    First of all you notice how very many people never went to college, or even graduated from High School. That seems to be an indicator that one will be Republican even when it's in their worst interests.

    The other thing I gleaned is that a full 81% were contacted by land line telephone. I may not be young but I cut the cord a while ago. I pay less for my cell service than I was paying for that hard wired line!

    And I caught NOM out a year or so ago when they said 80% of RI'ers wanted this on the ballot. I used numbers from the Rhode Island Central Voter Registration Database (It's a public record!) because you could actually reveal voting patterns. It turns out that less than 30% of RI'ers would probably want a ballot measure on gay marriage.

    The folks at NOM are lying sacks of shit.
