Saturday, October 15, 2011

This is what children will learn about gay history

I have not forgotten that this is LGBT History Month. How very appropriate that some folks in California who tried to stop the teaching of gay history failed miserably in their attempt.

Don't let them or anyone talking about children "being indoctrinated to accept a lifestyle" fool you with their phony talking points. The clip below - courtesy of The Legacy Walk - gives a true picture of what children will be learning when it comes to the contributions of the gay community.

We are more than merely an "orientation." We are a people.

And frankly, I don't see how it's such a bad thing for children to know:

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  1. Wow, thanks for this ALVIN, just watched beginning, so far it doesn't need transcript for hearing impaired, hope all video is like that!
    I live in CA and after losing PROP8 was fearful for this new HATE Initiative. But we woke up some of the electorate since then and they couldn't even get the signatures they needed.

  2. Left a comment before, not posted yet. Can't quite remember it. But now after viewing whole video....
    with sound OFF as if hearing impaired, it is WONDERFUL will share all over! In fact sending to my daughter right now! She was taught respect for ALL in her, yes, Catholic Grammar and High Schools (well in NoCAl!)
    but for straights this is just the beginning of a lesson we must all learn.
    So proud to have defeated that initiative that would have stifled all of this!

  3. Anonymous6:06 PM

    You are correct. Our history has been suppressed for far too long. This and SB-48 are positive steps to rectify that exclusion.

  4. Anonymous6:09 PM

    No disrespect to the nominess, but why wasn't Elton John nominated?

  5. The video may be inspiring for cissexual queers, but as a trans woman I am disappointed and hurt that the only representative of trans women is Christine Jorgensen. Where's Kate Bornstein? Where's Julia Serano? Where's Sylvia Rivera, Marsha Johnson, all our valiant sisters who have fought, and in many cases died fighting for their rights? Where are the trans women of high artistic accomplishment like Jennifer Boylan, like Wendy Carlos? Where is Lynn Conway? Renee Richards? Kim Coco Iwamoto? Victoria Kolakowski?

    Are we to be represented to the world as a people whose only interesting feature is that we live?
