Wednesday, January 25, 2012

'Gays take over homophobic twitter hashtag' and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Pastor Ken Hutcherson: “The only way to make your enemy a friend is to defeat them or kill them” - Apparently anti-gay pastor Ken Hutcherson doesn't believe in that thing Jesus said about loving your enemies.

Tammy Baldwin’s Anti-Gay Opponent Attacks Her Pro-LGBT Record - Of course cause we don't want no lesbians in Senate. Why they may think that they are Americans too.

#LGBTFacts - Long story short - some fool started posting some homophobic crap on twitter with this hashtag. But WE have taken it over. Come and join the fun.

Chris Christie Gay Marriage Stance: Would Veto Bill Legalizing Same-Sex Unions, Supports Ballot Measure - Now THERE is the Chris Christie that I know and despise.

Gingrich Tells CBN He Will Fight the 'War Against Religion' - ESPECIALLY that religion which says you can't cheat on your wife. Okay he didn't say that, but you know he wanted to.

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  1. Mykelb9:14 AM

    Apparently a lot of Christians glossed over the fact that their all loving Jesus also said, "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." Luke 19.27

  2. The #LGBTFacts hashtag is tons of fun. I've already revealed three LGBT facts today. My favorite revealed fact is that homosexuality can be cured through moderate exposure to clog dancing.
