Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hate groups make fools out of themselves at press conference

Video footage is coming in of that disastrous press conference held by "Porno" Pete LaBarbera and his crew of assorted nuts against the Southern Poverty Law Center. The press conference was held to protest SPLC calling so-called pro-family groups out for their deliberate inaccurate rhetoric about the gay community.

And it was just as everyone suspected - it was a colossal bomb. But the most interesting portion is the following. Rochelle Conner, a representative of Scott Lively’s Abiding Truth Ministries (an SPLC designated hate group), read a statement from Lively calling for “God himself to destroy” the SPLC:

Transcript - My prayer as one who really does hate irrational prejudice is that the Lord by His sovereign power will remove this dangerous, hate-spreading organization from our nation and its leaders and its members cause them to repent of their wickedness. Finally, to prevent the Southern Poverty Law Center from using my prayer as part of its perpetual fundraising campaign, I want to make clear that I am asking God himself to destroy their organization and I am asking that it be by His miraculous hand and not by human beings just so as with Sodom and Gomorrah, they will know that God will get the glory, and not man.

By the way, you will notice that standing next to LaBarbera - who is the only white male in the small group for those who have never seen him - is "diaper pastor" Patrick Wooden. I heard that they were filming their own press conference, so of course Wooden just had to position himself to be at the forefront of the camera.

My guess - and forgive if I am being sacrilegious here - is that the only reason why God didn't strike these folks down for their lies is because he was laughing so hard.

The press conference was so pitiful that it's not even worth getting angry about. However, I will say one thing.

I love girlfriend's hat. And those boots? Smoking!

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1 comment:

  1. Matt Barber was also present and made a statement, so LaBabs was not the only white male present - there were two. Barber was probably the one operating the camera for this shot.

    As can be seen turnout was less than impressive, as a matter of fact, you ARE seeing the turnout!
