Monday, January 09, 2012

Liberty Counsel accusing Macy's of covering up sexual assaults

In its continuing war against Macy's Department store for firing an employee who harassed a transgender customer - which was in violation of company policy - the right-wing Liberty Counsel has chosen to stoop low.

I mean really low. The organization is now accusing Macy's of covering up rapes. Liberty Counsel head Mat Staver said the following today on the Faith & Freedom radio show:

We also have another individual that contacted us, Matt, who said that he was sort of a trouble shooter, I forgot the exact title that he was working in in Macy’s, and he brought to Macy’s the issue of these men going into the women’s fitting rooms. . . . Loss prevention or something of that nature. He brought to their attention articles from around the country where people had gone into Macy’s, and some other stores but specifically Macy’s, women had gone in and they had been sexually assaulted in these fitting rooms by men that have been coming into those fitting rooms, and even rapes. He brought this to the attention of Macy’s to address this policy and he said rather than address it he was terminated.

How convenient that this tipster is anonymous, just like the last tipster Staver referred to last year who claimed to be an employee of Macy's allegedly fighting to keep "men out of the women's dressing rooms.

I said it back then and I will say it again. I smell a rat. Or more specifically, until Staver produces this anonymous tipster, I think he is lying.

And this time, it's serious.

Staver is accusing Macy's of covering up the heinous crime of rape. This isn't something that needs to be merely talked about on a radio show. It needs to be investigated. And if Staver is lying, he and the Liberty Council need to face the full consequences.

Related posts:

LGBTQ youth caught in the crossfire of phony 'religious liberty'

Woman files lawsuit because she can't harass transgender customers

Macy's stands up for the lgbtq community

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  1. I decided to go Google "Macy's Sexual Assault."

    Here's what I found -

    Clearly perpetrated by a man, looking like a man:

    And one about a pedophile assaulting a young boy in a Macy's bathroom in 2007:

    So my question is: where exactly are all these articles from around the country that this guy supposedly brought to the attention of Macy's?

  2. Staver HAD to have made up those stories.

  3. *nodding* That's what I'd assume, Alvin... he's got to be lying. There's just no way that at least ONE of the stories he supposedly has didn't make its way online. No way.

  4. "Staver HAD to have made up those stories"

    Staver has a long history of making stuff up - including in law review articles and court briefs.

    In one of each (that I've thus far run across; I have no reason to believe he hasn't done it elsewhere as well) he's set forth the bald faced lie that the 1976 New Jersey court decision M.T. v. J.T. was against recognition of a transsexual woman's womanhood.

  5. This is typical of those who keep promoting the lie that trans people are dangerous deceivers. They take sex crimes committed by cis men, who make no effort to cross dress, in ladies' rest and changing rooms and then use them as examples - the length of the leap is astounding - of how dangerous trans women are. I've seen it over and over again, and not only from right wing christianist propagandists.

    They have to do this, of course, because in Reality (a construct that is apparently VERY foreign to their paradigm) there has been no evidence whatsoever that a trans woman has ever assaulted or criminally harassed anyone in a public rest/changing room.

    The lies are sickening and I hope they come back to those people and choke them.

  6. Seems to me that Matt forgot one of the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not bear false witness."

  7. ColdCountry8:39 AM

    I would think that Macy's would take issue with those kinds of lies. They should sue his ass for defamation.
