Monday, January 09, 2012

'Mitt Romney running away from pro-gay past' and other Monday midday news briefs

Romney Campaign Disavows 2002 Gay Pride Flyers - Somebody is REALLLLY desperate to be president. The flyer in question:

Same-Sex Marriage Follows Rick Santorum Around New Hampshire - He gets what he deserves.

Advocates of N.J. legalization of gay marriage hope for better outcome with new bill - Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Gathering of Eagles Prays for Ex-Gays to 'Blitz' the Media and Defeat the 'Homosexual Agenda' - Okay I haven't included a wildly homophobic brief in a while.

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1 comment:

  1. Mykelb12:00 PM

    Gathering of Eagles my arse. More like a gathering of SPLC certified hate group leaders.
