Monday, February 06, 2012

South Carolina license plates will celebrate gay equality

There are so many directions I can go today whether it be the Roland Martin controversy, the Prop 8 decision coming down tomorrow, or that awful anti-gay bill in Uganda.

But I decided that I don't focus on my own state of South Carolina enough. Something good is percolating down here and I think folks should know about it:

The point is that it's not always about New York, California, or any metropolitan city. South Carolina has an awesome, thriving lgbtq community that doesn't get its due. A lot of it has to do with regional cliqueness. The South is not an ignorant place to be nor are we all backwood yokels.

We are actually very progressive.

By the way, if you want to vote in the poll mentioned in the video, go here. We are winning but more favorable votes never hurts.

One more thing - I hope you enjoy the scenes from SC Pride. As seen, we KNOW how to party!

Go to and click on the license plate to get instructions on how to purchase your very own.

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  1. Exciting! As a fellow resident of SC, I'm planning on going out to get this asap. It's a much better alternative to the dull sunset one that I currently have. :)

  2. The company I worked for had an office in Myrtle Beach. And the folks I worked with in that office even from remote were very good people.

    So I get your point. But it is just a little too slow down there for my tastes.

  3. Heck yes! Awesome to see another step forward in SC.

    I so want to get one of those license plates!

    Learned something new from that video though. I'd never heard of the Palmetto Family Council before. :\

  4. As a former resident of South Carolina, it is true that not all residents who are not "backwards yokels" as often accused of. I would agree that it is also true the Bar/Club scene was always fun, and the video of S.C. Pride looked like a fun time. I grew up in the Upstate area, Clemson, GO TIGERS!! The first Pride Parade I went was in Greenville this was gee 20 yrs ago at least. Wasn't what I would call hop-pin!! But I'm sure that's probably changed, when my partner and I moved from S.C. here to West Hollywood, CA. About 10yrs ago and the first Pride Parade I had been too since the one in Greenville, I was kinda shocked. Keep things moving forward, also enjoy reading this site, keep up the good work!!
