Tuesday, March 20, 2012

'Bigots whine that GLAAD is picking on them' and other Tuesday midday news briefs

Catholic.org latest to brand GLAAD with 'censorship' claims; latest to show pressing need for OwnWordsAphobia cure - Awww poor homophobes. They are no longer applauded for their nasty comments about the lgbtq community. Specifically the nonsensical whine zeroes in on two members named on GLAAD's list - Robert George and Chuck Colson.

Colson has said the following:

- When the APA passed a resolution declaring so-called “ex-gay” treatment unethical, said: "If any of this reminds you of the tactics of Nazi Germany, it ought to. In Hitler's Germany the term for what the [American Psychological Association] is doing was Gleichgeschaltung, which means ‘forced conformity.’ If you didn't conform to the government’s point of view, you risked losing your job. That is what's happening in the world of psychology today.”

- Said being gay is a health risk more dangerous than smoking: "But homosexual behavior is also hazardous to your health. More dangerous than smoking, it lowers the life expectancy dramatically. And yet we celebrate it -- all part of so-called diversity. And now activists want to legalize same-sex ‘marriage,’ which is sanctioning behavior known to be dangerous. Many of the same people who are the most vigorous in the campaign against smoking are celebrating homosexual practices...The fact is that when we label such a relationship a ‘marriage,’ we're giving state sanction to something that is devastating to health. To ask the government to crack down on smoking and at the same time promote homosexual behavior is lunacy. Both practices damage people's health, although there is an important difference: Homosexual practices shorten a person's life expectancy far more than smoking.  Of course, the hazard is also to the nation's health."  (*The researchers behind Colson's findings, conducted at the height of the AIDS crisis, have condemned the way folks like Chuck have twisted their work)

- Compared being gay to jumping off a 10-story building: "It’s the reason sane people don’t jump off a 10-story building. They realize that doing so would be to ignore the law of gravity and risk catastrophe. Well, in the very same way, when we violate the moral laws of the universe, we are in for a world of hurt."

- On allowing gay people to serve openly in the military: "If we throw sexual lust—or eros—into the mix, we will destroy unit cohesion. The consequence will be that men will die. All for politically correct posturing that has nothing to do with winning wars.”

Robert George has said:

Described being gay as “beneath the dignity of human beings as free and rational creatures.”

Argued that gay relationships have “no intelligible basis in them for the norms of monogamy, exclusivity, and the pledge of permanence.”

- Suggested that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shouldn’t be considered a Catholic because by signing marriage equality into law, "he has made it clear that he simply does not believe what Catholicism teaches about sexual morality and marriage."

Said marriage equality is “about sex,” not about love, commitment, and responsibility.

- Sits on the Board of an organization that supports and funds anti-Islam extremists.

Drafted the Manhattan Declaration, a manifesto signed by Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical leaders that "promised resistance to the point of civil disobedience against any legislation that might implicate their churches or charities in abortion, embryo-destructive research or same-sex marriage.”

Instead of whining about being blacklisted, these so-called Christians need to own these alliances and statements. That is unless they know that such statements and alliances fall beneath the role of being a good Christian.

In other news:

Add @CatholicLeague to list of fallacious #glaadcap respondents - And while we are on the subject, here is another whiner.

New Hampshire Republican: Repealing Marriage Equality Transforms Gays Into ‘Second-Class Citizens - So true, unfortunately.

Parents Say AZ Principal Fired For Being Gay - If this true, it's a travesty.

Kirk Cameron Defends Comments Against Homosexuality - Now he is backtracking a bit. We get it, Kirk! You have a movie to promote. Might I suggest stripping. At least while you are talking, folks will have something to pay attention to.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    These idiots are self-lothing closet cases...APA evolves over time were as religion does not...itwill stay stuck for decades in theMidevil yimes
