Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Religious right - 'Gays are demanding a RuPaul Darth Vader!'

To those doubt that some on the right send too much time obsessing over the gay community, check out this photo:

Your eyes aren't deceiving you. According to The Florida Family Association:

Will the makers of
Star Wars video games
create Darth VaPaula,
a (mock) transgender version
of Darth Vader - RuPaul,
for kids to choose
as their action player?

These LGBT demands on Star Wars game maker must be opposed. Please forward this article to friends.

LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists are demanding that the makers of Star Wars video games add LGBT characters for kids to select as their action figure when playing the games.   Previous email alerts with more information on this issue are posted below.

These LGBT activists want children and young teens to be able to choose Star Wars action characters who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.  This would mean:

•    Children and teens, who never thought anyway but heterosexual, are now given a choice to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in their game player.
•    Children and teens, who choose non-social agenda characters, would be forced to deal with lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender characters chosen by other players.

Should BioWare bow to the demands of these LGBT activists by adding such action characters to Star Wars video games they certainly would not create game rules that would allow regular players to prohibit entry into their games by these social agenda characters.  That would be discrimination (sarcasm.)

There were no LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) characters in any of the Star Wars movies.  So if BioWare, the maker of Star Wars video games, adds LGBT characters for kids to select as their action figure it could be something like Darth RuPaula, a combination of Darth Vader, one of the most popular Star Wars characters, and RuPaul, the renown transgender cross dresser. 

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send that urges officials at BioWare’s parent company Electronic Arts and Lucas Films to stop any additions of LGBT content to Star Wars video games.

To send your email,
please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button.  Because opponents try to use our email system to send opposing messages we NO longer allow for changes in the wording of the subject line or message of the email prepared for you to send to advertisers.

According to Right Wing Watch, the Florida Family Association's claim is not an anomaly:

Religious Right groups have lately set their sights on attacking the game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which allows players to have their characters join same-sex relationships. The Family Research Council has blasted BioWare, the game’s creator, for crossing over “to the dark side” and the American Decency Association accused BioWare of pandering to “homosexual extremists.”

It's time like this when I become sacreiligous and seriously wonder just what IS Jesus saying about these folks performing all of these strange acts in his name.

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  1. These morons have about as much of a chance of delaying this *mild* showing of same-sex relationships as a snowball lasting more than a trillionth of a second on the sun's surface!

  2. Unlurker5:14 PM

    I find their lack of real employment disturbing.

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I actualy oppose this. Darth Vader is intimidating, dark, and evil. Regardless, nobody will go for this. A much better thing to ask for would be a transgender CHARACTER (maybe in the clone wars).

    To be clear I don't oppose this because of the transgender part of it, I'm just a fan and don't want ANY change at all to the characters.

  4. Relax, Giovani. No one is changing Darth Vader. The religious right is playing a fear game designed to exploit someone's stupid idea that gays "recruit" children.

  5. Dan McKowan8:36 PM

    The gay relationships haven't even been added in yet, and when they will, it will be with non-player characters, so no one will be forced to do anything gay. I play SW:TOR, and bioware has long been an LGBT friendly gaming company. Right now, my only romanceable companion is Vector, the human who joined the Killik mental collective of bugs... sorry, not interested in having sex with an entire species at once. Can't wait for this patch!

  6. Mykelb9:45 PM

    As if kids don't already have Joe and Dave down the block with 2 kids with whom they play hide and seek. This is just another religious ostrich trying to keep everyone's head in the sand. Nope, no such thing as a gay says the religious reich and Ahmedinajad.

  7. Wait. Hang on.
    Are they "action players," "action characters," or "action figures"?
    I need to know.

  8. Donny D.2:45 AM

    It's about time that somewhere in the Star Wars universe there are gay beings! I've watched all the movies and read a lot of the books, and the relationships and beings in the movies and the Star Wars extended universe are so unrelentingly heterosexual. It doesn't feel like any kind of advocacy or bigotry, but after a while you just can't help but think, "Where are the gays?????"

    Even Archie Comics has gay characters and relationships now. That should have been (and maybe was) a clue to Lucas's realm that it was time for a change.

  9. Anonymous1:47 AM

    I know several of the people that work on this game at BioWare. They're laughing their asses off over this. This Canadian company has a large number of queer employees. Many of them are just shaking their heads over the antics of "those nutcase Americans". I'm putting together a request for BioWare to donate $1 to the local GLBT centre for every auto email they get from these guys.
