Monday, February 23, 2015

'Anti-gay groups planning war of attrition against marriage equality?' & other Monday midday news briefs

Has the Anti-Gay Right Found Its Gay 'Partial Birth Abortion'? - This excellent piece by Michelangelo Signorile inspired today's morning post. He makes the point while the lgbt community is taking it for granted that we may receive nationwide marriage equality, anti-gay groups are meticulously planning to create a long-term war of attrition via "religious liberty" bills. Our community simply has to stop taking these anti-groups lightly and get on the offensive rather than the defensive. If we get caught "napping" this time, we have no one to blame but ourselves. 

Man Who Once Defended Georgia Sodomy Ban To Oppose Religious Liberty Bills - And this is one way to be on the offensive - not waiting to be attacked but gathering our allies together and planning the fights.  

HUD Instructs Homeless Shelters To Provide Equal Treatment To Transgender People - Excellent! 

Ten controversies caused by Todd Starnes and his sloppy, homophobic journalism - One of the times I am including my morning post in the news briefs because I feel it NEEDS to be read and shared on a larger scale. 

 Jeb Bush to name openly gay man as Communications Director - Well! This is going to make the 2016 election very interesting. 

 Scott Lively Warns That SCOTUS Could Unleash The Antichrist By September 2015 - Come on folks, you know I had to throw at least a little "crazy" in today's news briefs. If you want to see a strangely cool, but nauseating graphic which illustrates Lively's point, go here to Jeremy Hooper's site.

1 comment:

  1. Erica Cook12:22 PM

    The 13 year old boy in me can't stop sniggering at putting Tim Miller in charge of America Rising. Did he think about the name of the group and who he was putting in charge of it? Oh, and this is also his, I'm not anti-gay evidence. Just wait, in about a year or so when anti-gay claims are made he'll be saying, "I have Tim Miller in charge of America Rising." And I'll still be sniggering, because my mind never gets out of the gutter.
