Friday, January 22, 2016

'Tenn. ministers file sad lawsuit to stop marriage equality' & other Fri midday news briefs

Ministers seek to invalidate state law on marriage licenses - And the Tennessee controversy about marriage equality continues as three ministers are now trying to suing to stop marriage equality, including preventing the Williamson County Chancery Court clerk from issuing marriage licenses. And they include this guy. Remember him from last night's post?:

In other news:

 No, LGBT Children's Books Do Not 'Endanger' Kids - Doggone right! It's about time we defend our literature.

 UK To Allow Gay Couples’ Marital Status On Overseas Death Certificates - Sad story with a semi-happy ending. 

 A Gay Military Family Shares Their Journey To Fatherhood - We need more stories like this just in case folks conveniently omit our families (talking to you, Sen. Marco Rubio) 

  Va. man charged under federal hate crimes law - I hate stuff like this, but it's necessary.

1 comment:

  1. steve a12:42 PM

    hey fool.....I can pull all kinds of numbers outta my a** how about 80%of "experts" have their own agenda....while having 0% actual knowledge on the me how and who came up with these stats......
