Thursday, August 23, 2018

'Gay Republican blames too much sex for LGBTQ suicide rate' & other Thur midday news briefs

Gay Republican blames too much sex for LGBTQ suicide because there’s no ‘better time to be gay’ - Many things in the past have made me think suicidal thoughts, but none of them had to do with having TOO much sex. This dipstick claims that he knows people in our community who have had 2,000 sexual partners. Where? In the land of make believe he creates in his bedroom? Sorry but this guy is full of shyte. I DESPISE religious right bull, but I loathe members of my own community who repeat that it. 

Will Miami be the first to elect an out gay African-American lawmaker in Florida? - WOW! That would be nice if it happened.

Gay tennis trailblazer Brian Vahaly: 'I heard homophobia all the time - it was part of the culture' - Sports tend to sometimes make people so vulgarly wannabe macho.

I'm a lesbian basketball player. Hateful comments are pushing people like me out of sports. - Case in point of the last news brief. 

Russian activists receive fines for trying to organize a Pride in St. Petersburg - I admire these folks because they are fighting closer to the fire than most of us. Russia is an ugly place to live if you are gay.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to sound bad, but honestly in the time I became sexually active in 1975, and 1980, when I met my husband, I probably racked up a thousand different partners. It was a very different time. Now a guy is considered promiscuous if he’s had more than five partners in his lifetime.
