Thursday, August 23, 2018

Gays are plotting to destroy Christianity, recruit children, & cause general mayhem . . . while having lots of sex

Editor's note - A news brief post I published today went viral. Apparently claims that the suicide rate in the LGBTQ community is due to promiscuity brought everyone out to comment. With that in mind, I wanted to repost part of something I published a few years ago having to do with all of the negative things said about the LGBTQ community. I continue to be amazed how some people can accuse us of so many things without being called to the carpet regarding said claims' huge contradictions:

Gays are sick people:
 Their [gay] minds are perverted, they’re frankly sick people psychologically, mentally, and emotionally.” – Bishop EW Jackson 

 Yet almost all gays make lots of money:

 “You know, I saw yesterday how much -- how much money the homosexual community has. I mean, good gracious, the average homosexual makes four times more than I do . . . I mean, they're not -- these people are not in poverty or hurting or denied or anything else.” – Donald Wildmon, American Family Association 

Gays are only a small part of the population: 

“Relying on three large data sets: the General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, and the U.S. census, a recent study in Demography estimates the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population at 2.5 percent and exclusive lesbians at 1.4 percent.” – Family Research Council in its inaccurate brief “Homosexuality and Child Abuse” 

 Yet gays “control” the culture: 

“Homosexual activists in many ways, drive our culture, they decide what’s going to be in a movie, we see all the portrayals, homosexuals are the most positively portrayed in the movies and on television.” – Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth 

 Gays “bully” all of those who oppose them: 

“Instead, what we have is the gay Gestapo who go out and try to intimidate morally, economically, professionally, and personally anyone who speaks out against the homosexual agenda.” – Jeffrey Kuhner, The Washington Times 

Gays “Recruit” children:

 “. . . Folks who cannot reproduce want to recruit your children. What we are facing is a radical force of people who want to change what America looks for the next twenty years . . .” – Bishop Harry Jackson 

And are plotting to either destroy or change America and “silence” Christians:

 “Those special gay rights would require Christians not to speak against –would require us Christians not to speak against homosexual rights . . . because if we did, we could be charged with bullying or censored for it.” – Buster Wilson, American Family Association 

“Through a carefully crafted, decades-old propaganda campaign, homosexuals have successful cast homosexuals - many of whom enjoy positions of influence and affluence - as a disadvantage minority” – Matt Barber, Unmasking the “Gay” Agenda 

And while generating all of this mayhem, gays still manage to find time to have all sorts of mind-boggling wild sex with multiple partners:

“One study determined that homosexual males have from between 20 to 106 sexual partners per year. It’s no wonder that homosexual men account for over 50% of all hepatitis cases, and still account for over 50% of all AIDS cases despite the fact that they only make up 1-3% of the population.” – Matt Barber, The Gay Agenda vs. Family Values, December 12, 2004 

“Homosexual activists claim their lifestyle, which in some cases includes thousands of sexual partners, should be sanctioned, protected, and granted special rights by society. Would you critique this stance?“ – question on Dr. James Dobson's web page. Dobson is the former head of Focus on the Family.

And yet we still find time to create musicals, shop, do hair, decorate, create wonderful outfits, and arrange cultural events. Why are heterosexuals scared of us? They should be embracing our work ethic.


  1. We should all go on strike.

  2. Well, they're not completely wrong. I think there are certain expressions and even entire denominations of Christianity that absolutely should come to an end. And I suspect many of these paranoid people belong to those particular expressions and denominations.

  3. Thousands of sex partners and unimaginable wealth with influence. Wow, I feel completely left out and shunned by my own community. LMAO!! Very informative article though, as always Alven.
