Monday, December 19, 2022

'How a Bible error changed history and turned gays into pariahs' & other Mon midday news briefs

How a Bible Error Changed History and Turned Gays Into Pariahs - I like how this challenges the idea that being an LGBTQ and being a Christian are diametrically opposite to one another. It simply isn't true.

Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy - Very significant because it put a hole in the religious right claim that trans female athletes has an advantage over cis female athletes. They couldn't prove the advantage in court.

Reddit users name the best LGBTQ villains of all time - The black guy dressed as a nun in 'Comeback Charleston Blue' didn't make the countdown. Boooo!

1 comment:

  1. In the 1980s I would have given a damn about bible translations and biblical exegesis. John Boswell, and John McNeil and so many others have gone back to the Greek scriptures, but nobody (in the pulpit or the chancellery or the evangelical churches) paid much attention. Now and then also, it is/was an interesting footnote. But it won't change anything because the "christians" need an excuse to hate and judge and throw stones.
