Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tenn lawmaker says trans kids should look at themselves naked and that drag performers 'made him sick to his stomach'

Tenn lawmaker Paul Sherrell don't like trans kids or drag queens

Two pieces of bad news came from Tennessee on Tuesday evening:

Tennessee's Republican-dominant Legislature on Tuesday advanced a handful of proposals that would ban gender-affirming care for transgender youth and severely limit where drag shows can take place.

 . . . If enacted, doctors would be prohibited from providing gender-affirming care to anyone under the age of 18, including prescribing puberty blockers and hormones. However, the legislation includes exceptions that would allow doctors to perform these medical services if they're treating an abnormality or if the patient's care had begun prior to July 1, 2023 — which is when the ban is proposed to go into effect — and the doctor believes ending the care would harm the patient. 

. . . On Tuesday, the bill advanced out of a subcommittee. It still needs to clear additional committees and the GOP-controlled House and Senate chambers before it can be reviewed by Republican Gov. Bill Lee, who supports the legislation. 

 Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers also advanced legislation designed to limit where drag shows can take place by classifying them as an “adult cabaret performance.” The legislation doesn't explicitly include the words “drag show,” but instead the definition of adult cabaret in Tennessee's law would be expanded to include “male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, or similar entertainers.” Prurient interest is not defined in the bill.

The religious right and its far-right allies claim  that these bills are necessary to "protect the children." Of course that's a lie which LGBTQ people have heard so many times just about every time the religious right and their allies in various legislatures try to pass bills curtailing our rights.

This time you don't have to take my word for it this time. Thanks to a legislator, Paul Sherrell, being honest for a change, we can see the hatred behind the fake concern:


The exact comment Sherrell made about bathrooms was directed towards trans boys and girls and is just as vile in its entire context:

"Maybe there is children listening ... Our preacher would say, 'If you don't know what you are, a boy or girl ... just go in the bathroom, take your clothes off and look in the mirror.'"

It's rather sad that someone who claims to be all about protecting kids can get away with being so flippant about the welfare of certain children simply because he is ignorant about their lives. They don't need to look at their genitals to know who they are. They already know it. Supportive parents know it. The medical community knows it.  The problem is people like Sherrell refuse to know it. They're already convinced that they know it all, either through their limited religious beliefs or warped idea of common sense. They're not prepared to listen because they've already decided that they won't listen. In reality, they don't care about trans children, only a bastardized version of children. That in itself it is bad, but consider the fact that people like Sherrell have legislative power to manipulate and warp the reality of trans kids until it fits the reality they think is valid. And they don't care if their actions make trans kids psychologically damaged as the so-called physical mutilations people like Sherrell conjure up as justifications for their anti-trans legislation.

And his comment about drag queens also has an additional vileness to it. Apparently this push to make limit drag show stems from an incident last year in which a video of a child touching the costume of an actress dressed as Disney's The Little Mermaid was taken out of context. The video was passed around on Twitter with certain provocateurs falsely claiming that the actress was actually a drag queen and was encouraging the little girl to "stroke his crotch."

As you can see, even though the truth came out, lawmakers like Sherrell are still determined to manipulate the incident to hinder drag shows. And not to protect kids, but because drag performers make Sherrell "sick to his stomach." 

This is not about protecting kids or the community. This is about Sherrell and people like him  exploiting  legislative power to validate their personal prejudices at the cost of people's rights and health.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Newest anti-LGBTQ religious 'martyr' is a sad joke

Former Georgia police officer Jacob Kersey

Here we go again - far-right Christian learns that comments have consequences and then tries to make himself a martyr by using his religion to shield his bigotry. In this case, add sheer stupidity to bigotry.

I'm not a fan of using Fox News as a source, but in this case I will make an exception:

A former Georgia police officer who was investigated for a religious social media post that claimed "there's no such thing" as gay marriage said he felt pressured to resign after he was told he could be fired for sharing his beliefs. Jacob Kersey, 19, who quit the Port Wentworth Police Department earlier this month, told Fox News Digital that he was placed on paid administrative leave Jan. 4 after he refused to remove the Facebook post he made regarding his Christian belief about marriage. "God designed marriage," 

Kersey wrote in the post that was flagged by his superiors following "an anonymous complaint," according to a Jan. 13 letter of notification first reported by the Daily Signal and provided to Fox News Digital. "Marriage refers to Christ and the church. That's why there's no such thing as homosexual marriage." 

Now here is the comical part here.  You're going to love this:

Kersey wasn't fired after the investigation, but he said he decided to quit because he was told he could face termination for future social media posts that others find offensive. He said he has spoken with a law firm about possible legal action. 

 In his letter to Kersey, Maj. Bradwick Sherrod explained that while the department's investigation into his social media posts "did not find sufficient evidence to establish a violation of any policies," his posts regarding "protected classes" such as the LGBTQ community "could raise reasonable concerns regarding your objectivity and the performance of your job duties when a member or suspected member of the LGBTQ+ community is involved."

 "As we have discussed previously, please be reminded that if any post on any of your social media platforms, or any other statement or action, renders you unable to perform, and to be seen as able to perform, your job in a fair and equitable manner, you could be terminated," the letter reads. 

Kersey did not get into trouble for the post but was told to be careful about future posts or any actions which could put his credibility to be objective in the performance of his duties as a police officer in doubt. But apparently Kersey doesn't think that he should have been investigated at all and should also have the freedom to figuratively show his ass in future posts. So sensing that he wouldn't be getting his way, he quit..

That doesn't make Kersey a martyr or a victim. It makes him an entitled fool. And one not to bright. No one made him resign. He decided to because he felt that his personal beliefs were more important than keeping the trust of folks he swore to protect and serve. Like it or not, those folks include married gay couples. 

This isn't a free speech issue. Public servants such as police officers have a duty to maintain trust with the public and Kersey's social media comments hindered creating that trust. And based upon the image of police in general. particularly in light of the awful death of Tyre Nichols, the last thing we all need is a police officer too bull-headed to show some discretion and so egotistical that he plays the "religious persecution" card instead of simply toning it down.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

'A wave of anti-LGBTQ laws for schools in red states has Biden administration weighing a response' & other Mon midday news briefs

A wave of anti-LGBTQ laws for schools in red states has Biden administration weighing a response - And it needs to be a good response. 

Utah becomes first state in 2023 to ban gender-affirming care for transgender minors - Under the guise of "preventing surgeries for trans kids," the state has outlawed all gender affirming health care for trans kids. And the surgery narrative is a dodge. It is VERY rare that trans kids have any type of "surgery." But the law blocks them from the care they need, including hormone therapy which is safe. Lawsuit time. 

Hormone therapy improves mental health for trans youth - And of course those "we need to protect the kids" liars ignore stuff like this when they push for the above laws. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Florida church demands that members sign a statement against LGBTQ rights and freedoms or leave the congregation

For those wondering why so many people are abandoning churches, look nor further:

Calling the "sexual revolution" a "threat to our church," First Baptist Church in Jacksonville will now require congregants to sign a statement affirming their opposition to LGBTQ+ freedoms if they want to remain members. 

In a video message posted on the church website, Senior Pastor Heath Lambert said members will be required to sign a document affirming that people are "either male or female and that this creation is a fixed matter of human biology, not individual choice." They must also affirm that "marriage...is between one man and one woman, and is the only context for sexual desire and expression."

 . . . “It means to rule out all sorts of sexual sins," Lambert said. "It means to rule out pornography and polygamy and fornication and adultery and homosexuality.” He said this is not controversial to Christians.

 “Everybody in our culture is fighting about sex," Lambert said, "and we want our congregation to be happy and kind, and so we don’t want to fight about it, and so it’s just very helpful to say, ‘Here’s what we think about it, and if you want to be a part of our congregation. If you don’t, that’s fine too.’”

The issue isn't even solely about bigotry against the LGBTQ community. A church has no right to psychologically corral a member's journey of faith or relationship with God by demanding that they "sign" statements having to do with personal beliefs.  What's next? Demanding that members sign a statement supporting a political candidate? Or are we already past that point? 

A church should never resemble a fascistic country but unfortunately this is the path many of them are choosing.  

Certainly, those congregants who don't agree can  leave. But it's not as simple as you would think, especially into account the friendships and  personal relationships which would be lost and the possible shunning taking place which has the potential to wreck families.  Worse than it, it sends an ugly impression of the church in general - self righteous, bitter, strident, unyielding, no sense of humility and downright hateful. Aren't these characteristics supposed to be antithetical to Jesus who the church claims to follow?

When they supported Donald Trump, some churches revealed just how little in regard they hold their own faith compared to how much they desired power. Now they are revealing just how much they are willing to weaponize their faith in order to demand control over their members' minds and personal lives.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

'Horror story' about naked trans woman in women's locker room turns out to be hot air, lies, and basic transphobic fearmongering

There is a controversy brewing  in Santee, CA involving a young girl who claimed she got scared because she saw a naked trans woman at a local YMCA. This is what the young lady, Rebecca Phillips, said happened during a city council meeting on January 11:

 "As I was showering after my workout, I saw a naked male in the women's locker room," she said. "I immediately went back into the shower terrified and hid behind heir flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone." 
Phillips said that YMCA management later told her that that person was transgender and allowed to use the women's locker room, and that Philips was not in any danger. Under state law, people must be allowed to use public facilities, such as restrooms or changing areas, that align with their gender identity. 

"The fact that we are now tailoring our privacy policies and bathroom laws around transgenders, ignoring the blatant threat to safety that this poses is obscene," Philips added 

 Naturally, many folks flocked to her side, protesting vigorously at the YMCA and flooding Twitter and other social media sites with claims about women being the victims of "trans predators" and how unfair it was for "women to have to be subjected to seeing penises in women's spaces."

 According to The Daily Beast, the right-wing pipeline heavily pushed Phillips' story and made her a right-wing star, even to the point of telling her story on Fox News:

Phillips’ comments galvanized an existing network of right wing and far-right groups in greater San Diego, according to local disinformation researcher and journalist Brooke Binkowski.

“There’s a very strong streak of far-right ideology here that has been here for generations,” she told The Daily Beast. Santee specifically has an established reputation of extremism, earning it the moniker “Klantee.” 

The city has tried multiple times over the years to rehabilitate its image, most recently after news coverage of a man shopping at a local Vons wearing a Klan-style hood followed by a separate incident of a Santee Food 4 Less customer wearing a swastika face mask. “The QAnon-friendly crowd and their adjacent groups have been demonizing trans people and throwing around the ‘pedo’ and ‘groomer’ labels for years now,” Binkowski said.

The Daily Beast also pointed out how some right-wing entities added inaccurate details to her story:

A local news station that has been linked to the right, KUSI, picked up the story a day after SanteeParents4Choice, running it online with the headline “Santee YMCA allows naked man to use women’s locker room with underage girls.” 

. . . Phillips herself also appeared on KUSI, this time expanding the scope of her attack against the YMCA to its gender-inclusive policies for sleepaway camps. (According to the San Diego YMCA policy, sleeping arrangements and group assignments should “reflect each child’s identified gender” and staff will “not disclose information regarding a camper’s identity without their express consent.”) In quick succession, the story traveled from KUSI to the New York Post and Daily Mail. A game of telephone played out in the process, with Mail, OAN, and The Daily Wire reporting that Phillips had seen a penis in the locker room.

People were so quick to exploit the incident that they didn't try to investigate the story.  And to be honest, I don't think they even cared. They were so busy pushing a narrative of  women and girls being targeted that they conveniently ignored the following details:

1. The transgender woman in the middle of the madness, 66-year-old Christynne Wood, had no contact with Phillips at all. In fact, she didn't even know about the incident until a friend alerted her about it days later.  

2. Phillips verified that she only saw Wood from the back. She didn't see any frontal nudity. But that is moot because of point three

3. Wood had gender-affirming surgery in 2016. As much as I hate to put it in such vulgar terms, it needs to be said. There was no penis present in this incident. 

On Wednesday, Wood spoke out at a city council meeting, defending herself and calling out those who vilified her:

"The amount of organized hatred and lies vilifying and dehumanizing me and other members of the transgender community has truly been disgusting and disheartening," said Wood, a mother and grandmother, who told the audience she has fully transitioned from male to female. "I am a threat to no one," she added, "And the last year I have been a member of the Y, children have attended summer camp, and have been with their parents and grandparents in the women's locker room with me and there has never ever been an incident ever!"

According to The San Diego Times, this is Wood's side of the story:

“I did my water aerobics workout as I always do. I went in with the rest of my aqua sisters. We showered, I dried off, I dressed, I hugged my instructor. I hugged other women and said to all of you: I love you so much. See you next year, and I took off for Palm Springs to visit a friend. That’s it.” She never saw the “terrified” naked girl, who told Tucker Carlson on Tuesday she rushed back to the separate showers at the sight of Wood’s backside.

Wood also has a plethora of supporters who have spoken up for her and stood by her. But the sad realization is no matter how many times the truth is told, there are still going to be people determined to spin this into a hysterical narrative against the trans community.  And let's not get distracted by anyone trying to "pick sense from this nonsense." The fact of the matter is that a trans woman minding her own business was attacked and vilified simply because of who she was (not anything she did) and the prejudices of some very ugly people. Their need to make her into a monster and add false details - either deliberately or as by-products of their bigoted minds - is the problem here. 

THEY are the monsters, not Wood nor any other trans person simply attempting to live their lives.

Editor's note - Someone brought something to my attention which I want to solicit your answers about.  The young lady, Rebecca Phillips, said she saw Christynne Wood from the back. If that is the case, how did she KNOW that Wood was a trans woman in the first place? 


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Eleven-year-old trans boy steals show at Missouri legislative hearing

Erin Reed is a phenomenal trans activist who has been tracking the anti-trans laws being pushed in states across the nation. It is a huge job, but she has been getting it done. Go here to subscribe to her substack and support her much needed work.

I wanted to bring your attention to a particular legislative fight she has been covering in Missouri:

It was one of the most stunning moments of the night. In a hearing in Missouri which stretched late into the night to 2AM, an 11 year old trans boy named Dan gave a speech asking the legislative committee on general laws for his basic rights. Missouri legislators proposed 8 anti-trans bills and sent them into committee with only 25 hours notice, thinking that they could sneak them through while minimizing the chance that others would show up. It was a miscalculation - within hours of the announced bills, activists across the state mobilized and people drove hours in the snow just for a chance to testify. Dan’s family was among them, and for the first time of the night, the committee was going to hear a transgender boy speak about the effects these laws would have on him. His speech was so stunning that the following speaker who testified in favor of the anti-trans bills closed with the realization that the laws were government overreach, asking herself, “what am I doing here?” at the end of her testimony.

'Drag performers at Missouri event push back against GOP attack' & other Wed midday news briefs

Drag performers at Columbia event push back against Missouri Republican attack - Good for them! We need more people doing this instead of acting like fish in a barrel waiting to be picked off by bigotry. 

Indiana GOP introduces slate of anti-LGBTQ+ bills including two Don’t Say Gay bills​ - They can't help themselves. The GOP is obsessed with LGBTQ people. It's beginning to look like a sickness

Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik’s far-right media tour - The farther right she goes, the less credibility she will have. Someone is getting a huge ego. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Yes, LGBTQ people do control America and woe be to anyone who learns our secret.

Tuesday evening on Twitter, a woman broke it down about the LGBTQ community.

And she provided proof which had us dead to rights

So what else could I do but confess that she was right . . . and let her know what will happen since she discovered our secret:

She got the joke, or rather the idea that she WAS the joke. But wouldn't it be wonderful if we did rule the world and had a re-education camp like that. Isn't what the homophobes believe that we have anyway?  

Just joking about that last part, guys! (these days, you have to clarify satire) 


'DeSantis tries to 'cancel' Black history course because it includes Black LGBTQ history' & other Tue midday news briefs

Bayard Rustin and Marsha Johnson - two legendary figures of Black LGBTQ History.

‘We want education, not indoctrination’: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ rejection of Black history course sets off a firestorm​ - And I am SOOOOO here for it. This is a huge gaffe for DeSantis and all of the propaganda work attempted to make him look good is digging the hole deeper. For those who don't know, DeSantis rejected this course because it contained black LGBTQ history. Apparently DeSantis thinks he has the 'right' to decide how Black history is taught and told.

Queer Youth Negatively Affected by Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws, Debates: Trevor Project Poll - This is what I hate the most about all of the lies, smearing, and scapegoating of our people. 

LGBTQ people, allies dodge $1,500 fines in North Dakota - Whoop te do. They are still trying to attack us in other ways. 

Protest held at Arizona capitol over newly introduced 'anti-LGBTQ' bills - There will be more. And in other places, too.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Elmo, President Biden, drag queens, New Jersey, & everyone else the right has accused of 'grooming' children

What do trans people, LGBTQ people in general, school boards, libraries, teachers, hospitals, Democrats, the United States Budget, the Department of Agriculture, drag queens, Sesame Street's Elmo, Pizza Hut, State Farm Insurance, and Oreos have in common?

They were all accused by conservatives and right-wingers of "sexually grooming" kids. 

The watchdog site Media Matters compiled an exhaustive list of all of everything and everyone these folks have accused of "sexually grooming" kids.

Grooming is a set of manipulative behaviors abusers use for the explicit purpose of forming a sexual relationship with minors. Right-wing media outlets and figures misappropriated the term, drawing on old and bigoted stereotypes that LGBTQ people are a sexual threat to minors in order to perpetuate hate — turning a once useful term into a de facto anti-LGBTQ slur. 

 This rhetoric supported dangerous bans on life-saving trans healthcare, a directive investigating parents who support their trans children, legislation revoking the parental rights of LGBTQ allies, and vague laws restricting any mention of LGBTQ people in the classroom. The smear has also contributed to a wave of anti-LGBTQ violence — including armed terrorists storming drag queen story hours and family-friendly pride events, death threats against gay politicians, and bomb threats against Children’s Hospitals. 

 Mainstream press perpetuated the smear by platforming its architects in puff-piece profiles and articles framing LGBTQ rights as a political debate. By the time the Associated Press had officially released guidance against uncritically repeating the slur, groomer was already the right’s catchall for the LGBTQ community. 

 And no one is safe from their accusations. Here are some examples.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, conservative “parody” site Babylon Bee’s CEO Seth Dillon, conservative commentators Steven Crowder and Tim Young, Fox News guest Jimmy Failla, and Candace Owens contributed to claims that parents who expose their children to LGBTQ themes or supported their LGBTQ children were themselves groomers. This trend continues to fuel new legislative efforts. Gov. Abbott directed Texas state agencies to investigate parents and medical caregivers of trans youth. Florida Republicans proposed legislation criminalizing adults taking children to drag shows while Republicans in Idaho, Alabama, and Michigan proposed legislation criminalizing guardians providing gender-affirming care to their children.

The Entire LGBTQ Community 

In addition to targeting specific LGBTQ people or groups, right-wing media accounts such as Libs of TikTok, OAN personalities Landon Starbuck and Alison Steinberg, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, right-wing podcasters Tim Pool, Allie Beth Stuckey, Matt Walsh, and Freddy Silva, and conservative commentators Christopher Rufo and Dave Rubin made generalized claims against the entire LGBTQ community. Following a severe uptick in the use of the word groomer on right-wing social media accounts, evidence that the slur contributed to real-world violence against LGBTQ people, and calls for guidance from organizations, including Media Matters, some social media outlets incorporated the slur into their hate speech policies. The Associated Press eventually cautioned against uncritical use of the slur, but on social media, regulation and enforcement remain varied.

Teachers, Schools, School Districts, and School Boards 

Right-wing media figures Libs of TikTok, Tucker Carlson, Jesse Watters, James Lindsay, Christopher Rufo, OAN’s Kara McKinney, and the Daily Wire’s Candace Owens contributed to the false claims that inclusive curriculum, the teachers who support it, and the school boards that fund it were all guilty of sexually grooming children. As a result, multiple teachers and school board members were harassed, threatened, and doxxed after becoming the right’s target of the week. Meanwhile conservative educational organizations who oppose LGBTQ representation in schools began to plan their own counter-curriculums at the state and federal level. Nevertheless, a record number of LGBTQ people ran for school board positions in 2022.


BlazeTV host Chad Prather told OAN that Sesame Street character Elmo was a groomer after the beloved puppet received his COVID-19 vaccine. “I've always said that Elmo is a groomer anyway. They use these puppets to try to influence kids with their agenda.” Prather continued, “This actually should be illegal. You are pushing — I mean, what happens in a month? Is Elmo going to get a vasectomy? How much can we continue to push on this medical tyranny on our kids using a puppet?” 

 The Proposed U.S. Budget 

The groomer slur reached such prevalence that it became a go-to smear for Democratic policies and agendas. In an extreme example, The Blaze’s Daniel Horowitz claimed that Democrats were promoting “grooming throughout the federal budget and international relations budget.” Horowitz did not elaborate. 

The state of New Jersey 

As MMFA’s Mia Gingerich noted, Fox News falsely claimed New Jersey subjected first and second graders to “predatory grooming” and “psychological torture” after the state implemented new, LGBTQ-inclusive student health and physical education standards. The network misleadingly conflated one sample lesson plan from one school district, which was not implemented, with the 2020 state standards in order to malign trans people and rekindle their attacks on comprehensive and inclusive sex education.

Check out the Media Matters article for the complete and long list. It proves that conservatism hasn't been a governing philosophy for YEARS. It's now an "outrage racket" where minds are coddled then manipulated by a slew of fake moral panics for the purpose of cash and clout.

Graphic by Andrea Austria/Media Matters

'Under West Virginia bills, exposing minors to transgender people could be a crime' & other Mon midday news briefs

Under West Virginia bills, exposing minors to transgender people could be a crime​ - I wish I could say I am surprised but that would be a lie. Simply being made aware of trans people shouldn't be seen as a crime. 

Groundbreaking study reveals differences between straight & LGBTQ+ adults during pandemic - Study found that older LGBTQ people were more negatively effected by the COVID pandemic than their heterosexual peers. 

‘Gay’ or ‘queer’? On Twitter, the word debate rages on - We picked the most unnecessary thing to quibble about. To me, it doesn't matter what word is used.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Friday, January 20, 2023

'DeSantis trying to undermine gender-affirming health care on two fronts' & other Fri midday news briefs

DeSantis seems to be intent on attacking gender-affirming healthcare:

Federal judge rejects Florida Gov. DeSantis’ request to evaluate trans kids in Medicaid fight

In other news:

Riot police break up dueling protests over teen girl seeing trans woman in YMCA locker room - I completely support the trans woman here who was obviously minding her own business. I also think in situations like this, parties involved need to come to some type of discussion and solution instead of running to the media and trying to gain clout and such, which is what the teen girl did.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

'It's never been about protecting the children' - Laverne Cox calls out the anti-trans legislation being pushed across the country

Laverne Cox

Thank you trans activist and actress Laverne Cox for lending your voice to fighting this awful onslaught of anti-trans bills being proposed in states across the country. Especially a bill in Oklahoma which would ban gender-affirming healthcare for those under the age of 26. It's also nice to see the media amplify the voice of a trans woman instead of zombie pundits repeating bad talking points for a paycheck and bought-and-paid-for activists from anti-LGBTQ groups. 

For a change.

'North Dakota lawmakers weighs absolutely idiotic book ban' & other Thur midday news briefs

North Dakota weighs ban of 'sexually explicit' library books - 'Sexually explicit' is defined in part as depicting sexual and gender identity, thereby possibly outlawing every book featuring couples whether they be heterosexual or LGBTQ. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters nominated sixth time for 'Outstanding Blog' GLAAD Media Award

Pardon me for taking time out to brag. It's rare but what's life without a little patting on your own back every now and then.

On Wednesday, the 34th annual GLAAD Media Award nominations were announced and (drumroll please), Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters received its sixth nomination for 'Outstanding Blog.' In 2017 I was blessed to have won in the category, but I consider this particular nomination to be extra special. Last year was awful, culminating with the passing of my beloved mother, Nancy Lee Riley. I want to dedicate this particular nomination to her as well as pay tribute to my fellow nominees in the category as well as all of the other nominees and special award recipients. We work hard doing what we do.

In my particular case, I have worked diligently and endlessly since 2006 to call out the anti-LGBTQ industry and the lies and dishonest tactics they use to undermine LGBTQ rights, health, and safety. To the right of this post are various articles I've published over the years detailing their dishonesty as it pertains to our health, our families, our kids, and our basic rights to self-determination.

And the tactics have shifted tremendously. They are now openly declaring war on the trans community and the falsehoods, cherry-picked studies, and questionable anecdotes used against gays in the past have been adapted to stigmatize trans men, women, and children. But don't think they are leaving the rest of us out. They are still using the "gays recruit" children" angle but have skillfully adapted it to attack drag queens.

Nor do they say "gays recruit." They now say "gays groom kids."

 The evil doesn't change. Just the manner in which they present it. The packaging may be different but underneath, it's the same old lies and hate. The same old bigotry. And lies in the name of God are STILL lies.

Check out all of the 'Outstanding Blog' nominees. Please feel free to share our work, and donate if you can (in my case, just click on the ads).

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

GOP staffer now suing Matt and Mercedes Schlapp for sexual battery and defamation

Mercedes and Matt Schlapp

 If you thought the Matt Schlapp scandal was fading away,  you're wrong. 

From CNN:

The Republican campaign staffer who has accused Matt Schlapp, a high-profile conservative activist, of sexual assault is now suing Schlapp and his wife, Mercedes, for more than $9 million. The sexual battery civil lawsuit, filed Tuesday in the Virginia Circuit Court in Alexandria, also accuses both Schlapps of defamation and of conspiracy to impugn the accuser. 

 The complaint recounts accusations made by a Republican strategist, a male in his late 30s, who alleged that Matt Schlapp fondled him without his consent as he drove Schlapp back to his hotel in Georgia last October. The staffer was working for the Georgia GOP and Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign and had been assigned to drive Schlapp to campaign events in the Atlanta area. The plaintiff, who is listed as John Doe in the lawsuit, alleges that in the wake of his coming forward there were “dishonest efforts” by the Schlapps and “others associated with and acting in concert with them, to discredit Mr. Doe.”

According to Raw Story, Schlapp's wife is included in the lawsuit due to alleged comments she made:

"The lawsuit accuses Mr. Schlapp of defamation by pointing to Mr. Spies’s initial statement that described the accusations as false, personal attacks. The lawsuit argues that Ms. Schlapp defamed the Walker staff member by telling neighbors that he was a 'troubled individual' who had been fired from previous jobs for lying and for making false statements on his résumé. The message was shared on a group text with neighbors, the plaintiff said." 

 Earlier on Tuesday before the lawsuit was announced, the Schlapps commented on the allegations through their attorney

“This anonymous complaint demonstrates the accuser’s real agenda, working in concert with Daily Beast to attack and harm the Schlapp family. The complaint is false, and the Schlapp family is suffering unbearable pain and stress due to the false allegation from an anonymous individual,” Charlie Spies, a lawyer representing Schlapp and his wife, wrote.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Oklahoma bill would ban adults from gender-affirming healthcare while Florida looking to expand 'Don't Say Gay' law up to sixth grade

The attacks on transgender healthcare and the visibility of LGBTQ people (as best demonstrated by Florida's Don't Say Gay law) share one characteristic espoused by their supporters. And that is the claim that these actions are being done to protect young children from being "exposed" to supposedly dangerous concepts. We all knew it was a lie and further actions taken by the originators of these attacks are proving us right. 

They are slowly but surely upping the age of those they claim to be protecting. 

Last week, a bill was introduced in Oklahoma which would ban gender-affirming care for anyone under the age of 26. According to ABC News:

A new bill would make it a felony for anyone under the age of 26 to access gender-confirming care in the state of Oklahoma. Senate Bill 129, sponsored by Republican state Sen. David Bullard, is the most recent anti-transgender care bill to be introduced in an ongoing push against gender-confirming care by Republican legislators across the country. Though many of these bills have initially targeted minors, several recently proposed bills have started extending the bans into adulthood. Under this bill, physicians and health care providers cannot provide gender transition procedures to a patient under the age of 26 or refer them “to any healthcare professional for gender transition procedures.”


Then comes this news from Florida by way of LGBTQNation:

The office of Florida Gov. DeSantis (R) has confirmed that the anti-LGBTQ+ governor is supportive of extending the stipulations of the state’s Don’t Say Gay law – known formally as the Parental Rights in Education Act. 

 Right now, the law bans discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity up to third grade, and a staffer for the state’s Senate President Kathleen Passidomo (R) told The Daily Mail that lawmakers are thinking about introducing legislation to expand the law up to sixth grade. 

 In a press conference in December, Passidomo expanded on this, saying that she doesn’t think she’d “be supportive of high school because kids in high school are, hopefully, a little more mature, or at least they should be, but you know, the middle school, maybe go up to 6th grade or something like that."

These bills and laws are less about protecting children and more about undermining the healthcare and very existence of LGBTQ people. The question is how long will their supporters and creators be able to get away with the subterfuge.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Conservative anti-trans star Gina Carano's movie bombs at the box office. HARD.

Gina Carano is NO Pam Grier.

Gina Carano is an actress and a former mixed martial artist who once had it made. She had roles in several high profile action movies (The Fast and the Furious 6 and Deadpool) and a plum role in the Star Wars series The Mandalorian.

But her inability to keep her mouth shut wrecked her career.

Granted, this is America and people have some right to freedom of speech. But freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences of that speech, especially when you aren't dealing with a government entity but a company - Disney - who worries about how its image is affected by the words of its stars.

And ugly comments Carano made online about Black Lives Matters and transgender people, as well as peddling misinformation about COVID and comparing American conservatives to Jewish people persecuted during the Holocaust wasn't something which Disney wanted to be associated with.

So Carano got canned. And immediately went on a martyr tour in the right-wing propaganda industry claiming that she was the victim of "cancel culture." She also signed up to collaborate in a movie with the right-wing conservative site The Daily Wire, which was looking to break into the movie industry by supposedly making films geared to strike back against "cancel culture."

And just how did that work out for her? Well that's the crux of this post. Her movie, Terror on The Prairie made $804 at the box office. Needless to say, Carano was not happy when it was pointed out to her. 

From Mediate:

Gina Carano lashed out at a journalist mocking the MMA-fighter-turned-actress over a report her 2022 Daily Wire-distributed movie Terror on the Prairie only earned $804 at the U.S. box office. The Western was one of the first movies produced and distributed by Daily Wire and is part of a larger partnership Carano entered into with Daily Wire following her firing from Disney’s The Mandalorian. 
The Hollywood Reporter’s Richard Newby mocked Carano this week on Twitter and said she “fumbled the bag” by losing out on her Disney role. 

 His comments initiated a Twitter war between the two which saw Carano defend her actions with regards to The Mandalorian and call Newby a "“sell out journalist” beholden to “fickle manipulated mob.”"

Right-wing sites practically bent over backwards to create a narrative that Carano was the winner in the exchange. However it was a contest which ended long before Newby called her out.

Making only $804 at the box office doesn't make you a winner, no matter how the story is spun.

'Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik appears on QAnon show to attack LGBTQ people' & other Thur midday news briefs

Libs of TikTok’s Chaya Raichik appears on QAnon adherent’s show to attack the LGBTQ community​ - Slowly but surely, chop that trash down. Rip off her mask.

Idaho School Board Meeting Erupts in Chaos Over LGBTQ-Inclusive Policy - This is what some folks do. They shout, scare, and then try to boggart the conversation. 

Federal judge rules Catholic hospital discriminated against transgender man - Good news! Although I suspect the religious right will attempt to milk it in order to play the victims. 

Virginia bill would force school staff to out transgender students - Exposing trans kids to the possibility of violence. Just insane. I don't think the bill has a chance of passing but it's still a travesty. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Mercedes Schlapp tries to troll Pete Buttigieg over FAA outage. Gets repeatedly reminded about gay sexual assault accusation against her husband.

Mercedes and Matt Schlapp

An unfortunate feature of the modern day Republican Party is its tendency to mistake trolling on Twitter for actual legislative work. However Wednesday, one of its operatives learned a valuable lesson about the drawbacks of being a complete ass online.

Former employee of the Trump Administration and highly connected member of the Republican party, Mercedes Schlapp took it upon herself to troll Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Earlier that day, a computer outage at the Federal Aviation Administration grounded thousands of flights. The system is back up for now but during the time it was down, Schlapp was one of several GOP  operatives and legislator making cheap shots at Buttigieg and by association President Biden for the situation.

Schlapp sent out the following tweet:

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Video - 1990 was when the first actual gay wedding took place on American television

Time for another history lesson so bear with me, folks. 

The first televised version of an actual same-sex wedding (not a movie or television series featuring one) took place on an episode of Phil Donahue's classic talk show. Of course it wasn't "legal" but it's still a moment in history. Take a bit of time to watch it, particularly the discussion and the audience's responses. It goes to show that when third parties aren't riling people up with horror stories and false claims about a "gay agenda" people could rationally discuss the issue, even then.

Monday, January 09, 2023

Conservative outrage industry whining about 'pregnant Joker' storyline

With social media comes a cottage industry of what I call "conservative anger fairies" who seek fame and fortune in creating outrage from incidents which really shouldn't warrant such attention. They can spin any incident, no matter how trivial, into a conspiracy to destroy so-called American values and morality. And when it comes to doing that, they love ignorance and fear of LGBTQ people. It's a goldmine for them. 

The latest incident on their agenda is apparently a plotline in a comic book which casts Batman villain the Joker as pregnant.

By using words like "wokesim" and attaching LGBTQ people to the storyline, the conservative anger fairies are hoping to ride a wave of hysteria to more attention for their brands. You can easily see that from the young lady in the last picture who conveniently created a video mining this supposed controversy (my blotting out her name was intentional.)

I don't know the storyline here and I don't think I have any interest in reading it. But the attempt to exploit it as some further proof of "wokeism"  or some LGBTQ plot is some straight-up bullshit. For one, it's a damn comic book, not a plot to ensnare or "groom" kids.

And most importantly, we're talking about the Joker here. He is a homicidal maniac who has committed a plethora of violent crimes in comic books over the years including:

Murdering scores of people with his "Joker venom.

Giving one of his subordinates a nitroglycerin cigar ("Rest in pieces, Alby.").

Beating a teenager half to death with a crowbar,

Throwing another subordinate (who was in a wheelchair) into a shark tank,

Shooting a woman in the head in a room full of infants, 

Blowing up a school full of kids,

Shooting a young lady, paralyzing her. He then stripped her naked and took pictures of her  and had her father tied up on a carnival ride where he bombarded the poor man with giant photos of her naked, wounded body,

Skinning a man alive, 

In one storyline, gassing Superman causing him to kill a pregnant Lois Lane and then using her death to detonate a nuclear bomb which destroyed Superman's city of Metropolis, 

Having his own face skinned and then fixed by on with staples.

Seems to me that being pregnant is probably the most harmless thing he has ever done. These folks who want you all upset over a pregnant Joker have never raised hell over his violence because apparently violence doesn't push the same desired buttons as false narratives concerning LGBTQ people and "grooming."

Come on people. We need to recognize the true villains here, i.e. the bloodsuckers who are attempting to make names for themselves exploiting people's ignorance, fears, and entitlement, and basic stupidity.

In other words, it's just a damn comic book. No one is forcing anyone to read it. People need to get over it. 

And tell those idiots trying to screw with your heads to get a real job.

Hat tip - The 16 Worst Things The Joker Has Ever Done.