Check out this ridiculous interview on Fox and Friends with fake journalist Todd Starnes in regards to the controversy of the American Family Association allegedly being branded a hate group by the United States Army. Starnes particularly continues to say that groups like AFA are considered hate groups simply because they oppose marriage equality.
Not only is Starnes lying, but he knows that he is lying.
Not only is Starnes lying, but he knows that he is lying.
Now check out what Starnes and Fox &Friends omitted. And you can bet your eyeteeth that they won't mention the following video. Now whether someone in the Army branded AFA as a hate group is irrelevant because the fact of the matter is whoever that person was had just cause:
The power of the press doesn't always lie in what's said but also what's unsaid. As long as Starnes and company don't talk about comments made by AFA members like Tim Wildmon and Bryan Fischer (as well as Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council), they will proceed to fool a lot of people about not only the nature of these so-called morality groups but also that of Christianity.