Sunday, July 24, 2022

Roger the Alien from 'American Dad' is the most sexually subversive character on television

Editor's note - I wanted to do a fun post to start the week on a comical note. For me especially

For all of the whining about how 'Hollywood is trying to sexualize' kids' and how LGBTQ folks are trying to 'groom' kids, I am surprised how the character of Roger the Alien from American Dad has escaped scrutiny. And not just from the right. There is definite offense which can be drawn from the other side of the political spectrum.  He can be easily seen as a high speed right-wing caricature of  a gay (mostly bisexual) man - shallow, extremely promiscuous, and selfish. But he's a cartoon alien, so there are things he can get away with saying and doing. That's why, as the video proves, he is the most sexually subversive character on television today.