Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bryan Fischer uses discredited study to support anti-gay parenting judge

Right on cue, someone from the anti-gay industry is defending a Utah judge who removed an infant from a household simply because the foster parents was a lesbian couple.

And who else but Bryan Fischer. From Right Wing Watch:

Recently, a judge in Utah ordered that a foster child be removed from a home with two lesbian parents and placed with a heterosexual couple on the grounds that "kids in homosexual homes don’t do as well as they do in heterosexual homes."

 Predictably, Bryan Fischer came rushing to that judge's defense on his radio program today, declaring that "no culture would ever want to adopt policies that are harmful, dangerous and risky to children." "That means we should never countenance policies that place children in same-sex households, whether it's foster care or whether it is adoption," he said.

Fischer also came out against single-parent adoptions as well, before citing Mark Regnerus' repeatedly debunked study to claim that children raised by lesbians are 10 times more likely to be sexually abused.

 "The risk of sexual abuse, unwanted sexual touching, is 10 times higher in a lesbian household than in a heterosexual household," he said. "So if we care about the sexual purity, the sexual integrity of our children, which I do, then the last place we are going to want to put a child is in a lesbian household." "So good for this judge," he concluded. "I am 100 percent standing behind him."

The irony of Bryan Fischer citing a repeatedly discredited study is that at the same time day, his organization - the American Family Association and various other anti-gay and conservative groups made a failed attempt to initiate a twitter campaign against the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Associated Press.

These groups are angry at the Associated Press for publishing an article which identified the Liberty Counsel as an SPLC-designated anti-gay hate group. And they are still angry that SPLC declared the American Family Association and various other anti-gay groups, including the Family Research Council and the Liberty Counsel, as "hate groups" for their attempts to demonize the lgbt community via lies and distortions.

Kinda like what  Fischer attempted to do during his radio show.

On second thought, I wouldn't call the attempted campaign a failure. It allowed me to garner a large number of new readers for my 2011 post,  16 reasons why the Family Research Council is a hate group.

'Right Wing Watch censored for focusing attention on GOP & 'death penalty for gays' pastor' & other Thur midday news briefs

Right Wing Watch got censored for focusing on GOP candidates (such as Ted Cruz) and Pastor Kevin Swanson (right)

Programming Note: We've Been Suspended on YouTube (For Now) - So someone in the religious right is trying to censor Right Wing Watch by filing a "copyright claim". Why? Because of the following situation:

 Religious Right Pundit: How Were We To Know Kevin Swanson Wanted To Kill Gays! - The fact that Right Wing Watch has been putting attention on the fact that presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Mike Huckabee kissed up to a pastor who supports the death penalty for gays has gotten some folks angry.  

Anti-LGBT Houston Groups Face Higher Bar To Repeal Dallas Nondiscrimination Ordinance - So the same group who pulled the campaign of lies in Houston hopes to do the same in Dallas even AFTER the folks there voted for the nondiscrimination ordinance. The nerve! 

New business group will promote Indiana LGBT protections - Meanwhile the fight for lgbt equality in Indiana is going to heat up!

 Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, says she’ll be better off with heterosexuals - NASTY on so many levels. 1. The couple had the child since August and everyone, including the birth mother, approves of the adoption. Except for, that is, the judge. 2. The judge claimed that numerous studies backs up his decision but he has yet to name one. I bet a steak dinner he will pull out the discredited Regnerus study. 3. An awful precedent BECAUSE the judge made a personal choice to pull a child out of a home it was already in because of the sexual orientation of the foster parents. We can only hope this doesn't repeat itself. I have been watching in particular what anti-gay groups have had to say about this. As far as I see, nothing yet. But I double dare them to say any words of support for the judge so I can put it on blast.  

First VA transgender clinic opens in Cleveland - THIS is needed.