Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Kelvin Cochran and the homophobia hiding behind 'religious liberty'

The fire chief of Atlanta, GA, Kelvin Cochran, was just dismissed because of a self-published book he wrote which was viewed as homophobic. According to Think Progress:

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed (D) announced Tuesday that he has fired Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran, who had previously been suspended for publishing and distributing a book condemning homosexuality..

  . . . Since Cochran’s suspension last month, he has become a bit of a martyr for conservatives, who believe he has been persecuted for his religious beliefs. J. Edgar White, executive director of the Georgia Baptist Convention, suggested that Cochran was among those “who are punished or marginalized for their faith” and called on Christians to purchase his book and support him.
Reed was adamant during Tuesday’s press conference that Cochran’s religious beliefs were not the reason he was fired. His book, Who Told You That You Were Naked?, was published in violation of Atlanta’s Standards of Conduct, which requires approval from the Ethics Officer and the Board of Ethics. According to Reed, Cochran’s “actions and decision-making undermine his ability to manage our fire department” because employees need to feel that they are “a valued member of the team and that fairness and respect guide employment.

That's the story before conservatives and the religious right will attempt to make Cochran the newest martyr of the concept of  'religious liberty.'   'Religious liberty' is a phrase these individuals have coined to claim that those who practice their version Christian faith in America are supposedly being persecuted because of their objections to homosexuality and marriage equality. To them, "persecution" is a wide and loaded term which includes being forced to serve gay customers or, as we see with the above situation with Cochran, not being allowed to "voice objections" to homosexuality in places where such objections aren't exactly conducive or appropriate to the environment.

It is a concept which is gaining speed now that marriage equality is becoming more accepted and swiftly the law throughout the country.  'Religious liberty' has gained support from the "fire and brimstone" sect, who see persecution behind every bush, to the concern trolls who clamor that since gays are gaining the right to marry, we should "be nice and respectful" to those who oppose our general equality.

In other words, "religious liberty" is a load of nonsense.  It's equivalent to a good paint job a bad car salesman puts on an busted up clunker in a sad attempt to cover that it's stinker.

First of all gays were not given the right to marry. It was a right which should have been ours from the start and one which we earned by slowly slogging through the trenches and terrain of this ridiculous so-called culture war.

'Religious right, conservatives FURIOUS at Newsweek article' & other Tuesday midday news briefs

How Dare Anyone Criticize Fox News' Christian Viewers! - A Newsweek article has earned the anger of conservatives and the religious right because it dared to push the theory that the Bible is misunderstood and that many so-called Christians, evangelicals, and fundamentalists are exploiting it to bash lgbts and force their worldview on American society. I think the author, Kurt Eichenwald, should win some type of award on that score alone. LOVE this opening: 
They wave their Bibles at passersby, screaming their condemnations of homosexuals. They fall on their knees, worshipping at the base of granite monuments to the Ten Commandments while demanding prayer in school. They appeal to God to save America from their political opponents, mostly Democrats. They gather in football stadiums by the thousands to pray for the country’s salvation. They are God’s frauds, cafeteria Christians who pick and choose which Bible verses they heed with less care than they exercise in selecting side orders for lunch. They are joined by religious rationalizers—fundamentalists who, unable to find Scripture supporting their biases and beliefs, twist phrases and modify translations to prove they are honoring the Bible’s words. 

Todd Starnes: 'Repugnant' Newsweek 'Blasted The Bible' By Disagreeing With Conservatives - As a matter of fact, Fox News personality Todd Starnes is pitching a hissy fit over the entire situation. 

Atlanta fire chief back on job, is new face of Georgia ‘religious freedom’ fight - And while we are on the subject of exploiting the Bible to bash lgbts . . .  

Transgender Teen Shares Coming Out Story With Inspiring Birthday Photos - This is sooooo cute! 

Here's What Same-Sex Marriage In Florida Looks Like - Pictures of the weddings taking place in Florida! What a great day!

 Conservatives Admit The Truth On Indiana ‘Religious Liberty’ Bill - And that truth they don't want lgbts to even have cheese on our whopper burgers.