Monday, October 14, 2019

Video: In 2016, folks were conned into believing that Donald Trump would be an LGBTQ ally

I'm posting the above video of the 2016 Republican National Convention because I don't want anyone to forget that when Donald Trump was running for president, he played up a game to fool the LGBTQ community into thinking he was for us. The media bought and peddled it to the public. Some of us even bought up.  A lot more of us in the LGBTQ community didn't buy it. I certainly didn't.

It turns it we were right. Three years later, based upon the many ways his Administration has tried to undermine LGBTQ rights and safety, from kicking transgender men and women out of the military to arguing in front of SCOTUS that businesses have a right discriminate against us and fire us for our sexual orientation or gender expression, to joining up with anti-LGBTQ hate groups and organizations, we can safely say that when Trump promised to protect us  he was full of shit.

Don't forget this video, LGBTQ brothers and sisters. And don't get discouraged. Get mad and above all, get registered to vote. According to a recent study, 21 percent of us aren't ready to vote. That will never do. Because, in spite of all of his troubles, if Trump makes it to the 2020 election, being registered to vote reserves a chance for us to let him know that we don't appreciate how he tried to use us. A vote against Trump is a figurative kick in the ass for his lie that he would stand up for us and for his actions against us.

And there is room enough for everyone to get a kick