Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Would Trump 'outsource' the presidency to Pence?

Mike Pence

Should Donald Trump win the election in November (God help us), we may already have an idea of how he would govern.

According to The New York Times (by way of The Huffington Post), Trump's eldest son had a meeting with Ohio governor John Kasich. During the meeting, Trump's son tried to convince Kasich to be his father's running mate under the proviso that he - Kasich - would handle the actual work of running the country while "The Donald" would be "coordinating." And by "coordinating," I mean enjoying the perks of being leader of the free world while doing mostly nothing.

Kasich refused, but one has to wonder is that idea still an option now that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is Trump's running mate. If so, this country would be in serious trouble, particularly lgbts. Allow Matt Baume in the following video explain how Pence could be worse than Trump.

'Meet the man who broke the Melania Trump plagiarism story' & other Wed midday news briefs

Jarrett Hill
Gay ex Atlanta man nails Trump for plagiarism -Yes, I think the fact that it was a black gay man who broke the Melania Trump plagiarism controversy story is highly important and I am not going to stop saying it. 

US Vice President Biden makes surprise LGBT rights intervention on Australia visit - I am sooo going to miss this presidential administration no matter who takes over.  

Pentagon Manual Details Rules for Transgender Military Personnel - Slowly but surely, progress is being made.  

The Utter Failure of the Log Cabin Republicans - Dan Savage is vicious, but truthful.  

‘Gays for Trump’ Join Conspiracy Theorists In Bringing Anti-Islam Anti-PC Message To RNC - Trash.

Ben Carson connects Hillary Clinton with Satan during #*&@ up convention speech

Ben Carson
We should have known something was up with Ben Carson earlier yesterday when he attacked the transgender community during breakfast with a Florida delegation during the RNC convention. Still, I don't think anyone was prepared for following moment during his prime-time speech.

Last night's theme was supposed to be about the economy, but it was quickly abandoned as the convention audience channeled a rabid mob screeching for Hillary Clinton's blood (or at least a long jail sentence). And in the midst of all of the banshee-type wailing wasn't NJ governor Chris Christie's speech - although he seriously fed off anti-Clinton hysteria of the crowd - but Carson's speech, The speech was punctuated by this moment in which he connects Hillary Clinton to Lucifer, or as we all know him, Satan: