Tony Perkins of the hate group the Family Research Council recently had the temerity to attack the Obama Administration for its participation in the "It Gets Better" campaign. This is the campaign designed to raise the self-esteem of lgbtq youth and raise awareness of the problems they encounter with bullying.
Perkins called it immoral and actually accused the "It Gets Better" campaign of "recruiting" children into homosexuality.
Rather than call Perkins a lying SOB, I think it would be more pertinent to remind folks of just who is immoral in this case by giving 16 very good reasons why Perkins should stop speaking on the so-called immorality of others and ask himself is he truly right with God.
So now I present 16 reasons why the Family Research Council is a hate group. Granted, there are probably more but if I were to list them all, I would be here all day:
August 15, 2011 - GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) issues a cease-and-desist letter against the Family Research Council demanding that the organization remove video falsely accusing GLSEN of distributing an explicit safe-sex guide to children. FRC subsequently changed the video, tacitly admitting that it was pushing a falsehood against GLSEN.
June 13, 2011 - Two years after claiming to remove "studies" from its website because they contained "outdated material," FRC sneaks the studies back on its website. One of the studies includes citations to the work of Paul Cameron, a highly discredited research.
February 28, 2011 - In order to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), FRC distorts research in order to compare gay men to pedophiles.
February 16, 2011 - FRC spokesman Peter Sprigg makes the claim that same-sex households are inferior to two-parent heterosexual households by using studies which have nothing to do with same-sex households. Sprigg, by the way, has earlier voiced opinions that gays should be deported out of the United States:
Perkins called it immoral and actually accused the "It Gets Better" campaign of "recruiting" children into homosexuality.
Rather than call Perkins a lying SOB, I think it would be more pertinent to remind folks of just who is immoral in this case by giving 16 very good reasons why Perkins should stop speaking on the so-called immorality of others and ask himself is he truly right with God.
So now I present 16 reasons why the Family Research Council is a hate group. Granted, there are probably more but if I were to list them all, I would be here all day:
August 15, 2011 - GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) issues a cease-and-desist letter against the Family Research Council demanding that the organization remove video falsely accusing GLSEN of distributing an explicit safe-sex guide to children. FRC subsequently changed the video, tacitly admitting that it was pushing a falsehood against GLSEN.
June 13, 2011 - Two years after claiming to remove "studies" from its website because they contained "outdated material," FRC sneaks the studies back on its website. One of the studies includes citations to the work of Paul Cameron, a highly discredited research.
February 28, 2011 - In order to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), FRC distorts research in order to compare gay men to pedophiles.
February 16, 2011 - FRC spokesman Peter Sprigg makes the claim that same-sex households are inferior to two-parent heterosexual households by using studies which have nothing to do with same-sex households. Sprigg, by the way, has earlier voiced opinions that gays should be deported out of the United States:
Fantastic blog post, Alvin. It's all so clear and undeniable when it's laid out like this. Thank you.
Good rap sheet on the lies perpetuated and propagated by the likes of FRC.
If Goebbels were alive today he'd toast his students at FRC because tey keep repeating the same lie, hoping it will at some point become truth.
But thanks to folks like you Alvin, their agenda is exposed for what it is, anti-gay animus. They'd rather see us all dead.
Someday Miss Tonette will be caught getting her luggage lifted and we can all nod our heads knowingly.
This was a brilliant post. Thanks so much.
This is anecdotal; granted; but in response to the absurd statement by an AFA source of weak fertilizer; that gay men don't live long enough to be elderly, a significant news item comes from Berlin, Germany.A man named Rudolf Brazda passed away at the age of 98,on August 03, 2011. He was the last known gay survivor of the Nazi death camps of WWII. He'd been held at Buchenwald for about 3 years, & described his experience there as a "descent into hell". 'truthspew'is right. There are men of history who would be enormously proud of the people associated with such groups as the AFA & Focus on the Family. Men with names like Himmler, Eichmann, & Mengele. Their opposition to our very existence; when based on religious beliefs; are protected by law.But they have never limited themselves to the camel droppings of Leviticus, & have consistently used lies, slander, & defamation. This is unethical, dishonest & odious; but more importantly; it exposes LGBT Americans to violence & discrimination. Is there no room here for a class action lawsuit?
Clueless. It is NEVER hate to be a messenger for God and his standards....
I sincerely HOPE that you don't think that these actions by the Family Research Council are examples of God's standards.
I would like to encourage you to read the Bible and see for yourself what God says. Saying someone is a bully and a headless monster is hate speech, not speaking facts!
Obviously you did not read what was written here. These are facts, not hate speech, because FRC is guilty of all of these actions. The Bible does speak about lies and bearing false witness. Perhaps you need to read it for a refresher course.
I don't think you understand how class action lawsuits work. However I agree the AFA is misguided
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