Monday, August 12, 2024

JD Vance's drag photo resurfaces, Log Cabin Republicans blasted on Twitter after falsely claiming Trump did not ban trans people from military

J.D. Vance in drag during his law school days.

Today on my blog is rarity - a two for one.

First, Republican vice president nominee JD Vance has recently become the latest subject in the GOP Hypocrisy Boogie. 

From The Huffington Post:

Republican vice presidential candidate and Ohio Sen. JD Vance is getting dragged for hypocrisy after a photo from his law school days surfaced on social media, appearing to show him in a blonde wig and dress. The photo first came to light via X user Matt Bernstein, who said the pic dates back to Vance’s days at Yale Law School in 2012. 

 A short time later, Yale assistant professor Travis Whitfill said he was the source of the photo that Bernstein had posted, but credited another classmate for taking it. “It’s from a group chat of Vance’s fellow classmates and is from a friend of a friend. I believe it was grabbed from Facebook and was taken at a Halloween party,” Whitfill told The Daily Beast. The photo quickly went viral, with some social media users giving Vance the drag name “Sofa Loren,” a not-exactly-subtle reference to the “couch sex” meme that is based on a fake story about the senator. 

Bear in mind that it's not the fact that Vance wore drag in his law school days that's the issue.  Conservatives have made drag queens their scapegoats in order to feed into fears of LGBTQ people supposedly "recruiting" or "grooming" kids. They smear our culture as "deviant" because they are simply too chickenshit own their bigotry. But with this latest incident, we see that they have no problem with our culture. Their problem lies with our existence in general.

The outcry has been as you would expect. You know how we are when we find a Republican being hypocritical when it comes to attacking LGBTQ people. 

 From Queerty: 

 Many were quick to comment on Vance’s stance regarding LGBTQ+ rights. He has previously called opponents of “Don’t Say Gay” legislation “groomers”. Vance has opposed the US Census adding questions about gender identity and introduced a (failed) bill to ban ‘X’ gender markers on US passports. He also introduced a bill aimed at preventing minors from accessing gender-affirming care. GLAAD maintains a fuller list of Vance’s comments regarding LGBTQ+ rights.

Folks have also been pulling out "receipts" regarding past anti-LGBTQ comments Vance made, including the following:

Meanwhile, Queerty also points out that we've been having fun in the community critiquing Vance's attire and deciding which name he should use:

 . . . the suggestions for potential drag names rolled in. This one, liked over 110k times, appears to be the winner: Sofa Loren. . . Let’s also not forget Linda Loveseat, Ashley Furniture, Rhea Polstered and Anita Cushion.

 If I were a petty person, I would point out that I see where Vance got his love of eyeshadow from. 

But I'm not petty.

Item 2 for today was one which had me a bit angry for a while. Courtesy of the Log Cabin Republicans:

Never mind the words which spewed from my mouth when I read the tweet, but I will say I'll probably sleep good tonight.

It's bad when people lie in your face, but it's worse when you KNOW that they are lying and they know that you know they are lying, but they will lie anyway hoping to gaslight you into confusion. Personally, I think that is the personification of Donald Trump and his campaign, not to mention his time in office.

Folks were quick to drag the Log Cabin Republicans for this nonsense. And they brought "the receipts"

All I can say about today is that I've working on this blog for almost 18 years and it's comforting that I'm not so jaded that I still retain my sense of shock.