Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Harris campaign gives LGBTQ voters hope, DeSantis's culture war suffers another loss, and other Wed/Thur news briefs

 Editor's note - As you can probably tell, I've been light on posting. Please bear with me as I get through these rough times. 

'Fighting spirit': LGBTQ voters see hope in Harris campaign amid attacks from right - Damn skippy. 

Ron DeSantis' political star is tarnished after key Florida primary night losses - While folks are busy going through another election cycle, Ron DeSantis continues to suffer a backlash on his "war on woke." 

Moms For Liberty’s School Board Candidates Lose Bigly In Florida - And more details.

Florida quietly removes LGBTQ+ travel info from state website - But don't get too happy. Florida is still a hot mess. 

People with HIV cannot be categorically barred from joining the military, judge rules - Good. 

Black gay & queer men sound off on what they hope to see at this week’s DNC in Chicago - Nice to see some attention paid to our voices. 

Trump-stacked appeals court overturns trans worker’s court victory - It will be heard again. And she will win again.