Tuesday, October 16, 2018

C-SPAN caller 'reads' conservative evangelical leader Tony Perkins for being a 'worshipper of Donald Trump'

For all of his whining about how opponents of him and his group won't debate, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins likes to insulate himself from having an actual debate. He tends to go on Fox News where he is pretty much pandered to. That's why what happened Tuesday on C-SPAN was a joy to watch. A caller confronts and "reads" Perkins to filth on how he and the evangelical right have perverted religion and sold out to Trump. Notice how Perkins sidesteps the caller's words in his answer:


'Randy Rainbow wrecks Melania Trump's 'Be Best' nonsense & other Tue midday news briefs

Pay attention to Randy Rainbow, brothers and sisters. He is using his queeny cattiness for good. Study and practice it like Green Lantern learned to use his power ring.

FRC attacks the SPLC - Reveals why it is considered a hate group - The Family Research Council accuses the Southern Poverty Law Center of attacking "Christian" parents. Yet another lie from the hate group.

Trump broke all of the promises he made to the LGBTQ community, but the media doesn't care enough to ask why - My post from last night cause I feel that it needs to be repeated and shared. "Promises made, promises kept" my black ass. Trump used the LGBTQ community then has attempt to feed us to the rabid wolves with the cross burned in their fur pelts.

Helping Pediatricians Care for Transgender Children - YES!!  

Debunking “Trans Women Are Not Women” Arguments - PREACH!!