But something caught my eye today via Americablog.
CNN covered the Kevin Jennings controversy and revealed a few facts that even I wasn't aware of.
And they aren't negative facts:
And if that's not enough, according to Media Matters:
. . . Jennings' attorney wrote in a 2004 letter that the student was 16 years old, which Jennings' book appears to support, and that 16 is -- and was at the time -- the legal age of consent in Massachusetts.
The funny thing about this is that a friend of mine, Matt Algren, has said from the beginning that the young man was the legal age of consent.
Take a bow, Matt. You nailed it!
I went to the mat for Jennings because I believed in what he was doing and I know how the religious right distorts situations.
Please don't think I'm gloating when I say this because I am not, but:
It feels good to be vindicated.
UPDATE - Peter LaBarbera gives statement about the latest developments in Jennings controversy
I wondered what folks like Peter LaBarbera felt about this new information.
LaBarbera published a lot of negative pieces on Jennings such as:
Was Troubled Teen Seduced by Adult Homosexual and Counseled by GLSEN Founder Kevin Jennings Really ‘Gay’?
Washington Times: Obama ‘Safe Schools’ Czar Kevin Jennings Enabled Sexual Predator of Teen Boy
I emailed LaBarbera saying that I felt he owes Jennings an apology. This is his reply:
You are so pathetic Alvin. Hanging on a technicality. You are as corrupt as the perverted movement you serve. Spare me the preaching.
So much for the Christian principle of apologizing when you are wrong.
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Let's not be so quick to blame Obama if Kevin Jennings is dismissed
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The new attack on Kevin Jennings - he said something ugly about God
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Support Sean's Last Wish and Kevin Jennings
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