Monday, October 14, 2024

'Televangelist Kenneth Copeland: Homosexual lesbian spirits must be defeated in the election' & other Mon/Tue news briefs

Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland: Homosexual Lesbian Spirits Must be Defeated in Election​ - Far right hypocritical pastor Kenneth Copeland threatening us with a good time. Homosexual lesbian spirits taking over sounds like another very good reason to vote FOR Kamala Harris to me. 

 For those asking who Kenneth Copeland is, it's this jackass: 

 Copeland, the founder of Eagle Mountain International Church, is the wealthiest pastor in the US with an estimated net worth of $760 million. He lives in a tax free 18,000 square foot mansion. He has a fleet of private jets. He heads a huge congregation and had his sermons and services broadcast on Victory Channel and other religious channels for years. Whenever it is time to add to his fleet of aircraft, he explains to his congregation that it was God's will for them to private the money for it. 

 More about that here:

In other news:

Fox News guest: Trans athletes are not “a pivotal issue” in 2024 - Conservatives are bending over backwards in their attempt to make it one. 

North Haven Pride calls for support of LGBTQ community after officials say substitute was fired - A ridiculous action against a substitute teacher fires up LGBTQ folks.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

'Trump, Republicans making $60 million transphobic gambit to distract from the economic issues during election' & other Wed/Thur news briefs

We all knew it was a lie when Trump pretended to support the LGBTQ community in 2016.

Republicans are betting on transphobia to win the 2024 election for Donald Trump​ - Since Trump has no issues to run on, Republicans are spending more than $60 million on spreading lies about transgender Americans for this election. Apparently scaring folks about trans people are 'kitchen table issues' now instead of the economy, healthcare, and immigration. 

Melania Trump's Fundraiser With Gay Organization: Everything We Know - Log Cabin Republicans? Of course. Talk about your ironies. These fools think Trump won't treat them the same way he's treating the trans community. In some states, he already is. 

Nico Lang’s American Teenager humanizes the children who bear the brunt of anti-trans legislation. - Shout out to my friend, Nico Lang. Buy his book. I've got a copy and it is excellent.

Monday, October 07, 2024

''In Living Color' star Tommy Davidson admits he's had to 'adjust' while supporting his trans son' & other Mon/Tue news briefs


‘In Living Color’ star Tommy Davidson admits he’s had to “adjust” while supporting his trans son - Good for Mr. Davidson. I know that in our jaded world, the idea that people don't really care about an issue until they are personally affected is frowned upon, but it's also realistic. Like it or not, we are not angels or saints. We generally don't pay attention to things like we should until they cross our front door. And why is this? Because there is so much going on in life as it is. So when an issue does make someone sit up and pay attention, how about acting less holier than though and instead be happy when that person is reacting in a good way.

This Supreme Court case could change gender-affirming care in the U.S. forever - Keep your fingers crossed and don't be so quick to be negative. 

Fact Check: Hurricane Disaster Leads to Misleading LGBTQ Social Media Posts - Of course will all of the lies going around about Hurricane Helene, you just know we would be yanked in it.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

MAGA senate candidate says drag queens and people who support drag queens aren't tough enough to serve in the military


The clip above proves yet again how bigotry makes one absolutely stupid.

Hung Cao, the Republican Senate nominee in Virginia, disparaged drag queens and people who are tolerant of them by implying Wednesday that they are not tough enough to serve in the military. 

 Cao made the remarks in a televised debate against Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine when one of the moderators asked him about his previous comments tying what he called the White House's "growing obsession" with diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, to military recruitment issues. Cao, a Navy veteran, was asked to explain how he believes DEI could affect military recruitment. 

 "When you’re using a, you know, drag queen to recruit for the Navy, that’s not the people we want," Cao said after he was pressed about the issue following his initial response. "What we need is alpha males and alpha females who are going to rip out their own guts, eat them and ask for seconds. Those are young men and women that are going to win wars." 

Cao is not only bigoted, but it's obvious that he's never been to a drag competition. A drag competition is the real definition of "going to war."

The fact that Donald Trump supports him should surprise no one. That being the case, it should also surprise no one that his performance at the debate in general was panned as "crashing and burning."

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

'Trump sounds bored with repeating his lie that schools are performing sex-change surgeries on children' & other Tue/Wed news briefs

Trump is sounding bored with his own lie that schools are performing sex-change surgeries on children

Editor's note - I know I haven't been blogging like I'm supposed to, particularly seeing that the presidential election is coming up. I ask that you bear with me and continue to support me like you've done these past 18 years. It's nothing big or momentous which has gripped me. It's me getting older and going through some changes. I'm a long way from 35 when I began this blog and I still got a lot to accomplish for the LGBTQ community. It's simply taking a bit longer to get me revved up.

It's bad enough that Trump is repeating this ridiculous lie, but based upon his sleepy delivery, he acts as if he's tired of repeating it as much as we are tired of hearing it. 

In other news:

Study establishes first causal link between anti-trans laws and suicide attempts - Study merely proves what we've all known about these awful laws and the effects they have on the trans community. 

GLAAD 20 Under 20 2024: Meet the Changemakers Who Prove LGBTQ Youth are Thriving - Wonderful article which shows that our youth are fighting for what's theirs.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Wisconsin voter and mother speaks poignantly about why she's more concerned about guns than drag queens

This right here made my day. Danielle, a Wisconsin voter speaks plainly about children, drag queens, the right-wing media, and what she fears most as a mother when it comes to her kids. No talking points, no rhetorical tricks. She broke it down and went viral. Trust me when I say this is good.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Mark Robinson turns down offer to exonerate himself while his campaign spirals down to the bottom

Somehow, I don't think Mark Robinson (right) and Donald Trump (left) are as chummy as they used to be.

Far-right conservative NC Lt Gov, state gubernatorial nominee, and (if the allegations are true) super sex extraordinaire Mark Robinson is defiant in the face of his latest scandal. He insists that this one, involving him being on a *porno message board years ago allegedly calling himself a 'Black Nazi', expressing pro-slavery enthusiasm and a love of transgender pornography, and bragging about graphically vulgar sex acts - some involving urination and analingus - he allegedly took part in, is a setup by his opponents.

However, he just turned down a chance to prove it.

From WRAL:

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson rejected multiple offers from supporters to connect him with information technology specialists to help the Republican gubernatorial nominee investigate racist and lewd comments on a pornographic website made by someone with a username that CNN tied to Robinson, people directly familiar with the matter told WRAL on Monday. 

 Robinson’s alleged rejection of the offers sowed doubt among some staff members, the people said. His response in the wake of the report likely played a role in the exodus of some staff members, they said. At least eight campaign staff members quit the campaign on Sunday, including Robinson's campaign manager and finance director. The people spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared professional retribution.

 . . . CNN reported Thursday that an account tied to Robinson made posts praising Nazis, calling for the reinstatement of slavery and describing pornographic preferences, among other things. Robinson referred to himself in posts as a "Black Nazi" and said he liked "[transgender]-on-girl porn," using a slur for transgender people, CNN reported. The posts appeared on the website “Nude Africa.” CNN connected the posts to Robinson through user names, profile pictures and email accounts, and the network explained those connections in its investigative piece.

To say that Robinson's campaign is hemorrhaging is an understatement. While Robinson has defiantly insisted that he will not drop out, he's freefalling.


From The Huff Post:

North Carolina Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson lashed out Monday against “the false lies” about him in a CNN investigative report Thursday that uncovered years of disturbing comments he made in a forum on a porn website. Except then, in the same breath, he suggested maybe those comments were really by him. During a campaign event, his first since the CNN report triggered a mass exodus of staff on his campaign, Robinson, the state’s lieutenant governor, vowed to take legal action against CNN over its story. 

 . . .“You’d better understand I am coming after CNN full-throttle,” a visibly angry Robinson told reporters about taking legal action against the news network. “We’re not here to talk about 15- or 20-year-old salacious, false lies,” he continued in a rant. But then, amid his shouting, he suggested those past comments may be real after all: “They want to talk about what possibly happened 15 years ago.
 I was never a fan of Robinson, and I won't go into detail about what he allegedly wrote (except for the fact that he definitely has a future in the porn novel industry) but it's all a little sad. Robinson reminds me of a Werner Herzog movie in which the main character pushes stubbornly onward until he winds up twisting aimlessly on a raft in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by very dead soldiers and a bunch of very alive Capuchin monkeys which he now says he will lead because he is the "wrath of God."

I don't think Robinson would appreciate any of that. Especially the "wrath of God "part

*post inaccurately said "porno chat room" before correction