The Family Research Council has taken a break from gloating about Trump's election win in order to beg for money. Or the "evil homosexuals will put Christians in jail and force women to have abortions."
Or something like that. The letter is a hoot and of course FRC president, Tony Perkins, hysterically lies throughout it:
Well Perkins is right about one thing. We are NOT going away. I'm certainly not.
And I intend to have a rip-snorting, ass-kicking, hell-raising time during these upcoming four years. I hope y'all got some vitamin E. And oxygen. Lots and lots of oxygen.
Or something like that. The letter is a hoot and of course FRC president, Tony Perkins, hysterically lies throughout it:
The radicals still WON'T accept it.
But they WILL subvert it. Unless . . .The radical Left won't accept the future for which Americans voted.
But they will subvert that future, unless . . .
. . . unless Christians like you stay engaged in the political process.
Don't leave it up to the politicians. You must help stop the Left from ruining every reform soon-to-be President Trump and pro-family conservatives in Congress have promised to make.
And when the new Congress is seated January 3 and President Trump is sworn in January 20...? Get ready for the Left's massive attempt to DECEIVE, INTIMIDATE, AND SIDETRACK lawmakers from enacting reforms in favor of your faith, family, and freedom.The Left has already violently protested the election in the streets -- with many of the protests paid for by money from Hollywood-Washington elitists.They've already tried to manipulate the Electoral College to overturn the results.They've already advocated changing the Constitution to permanently empower them.
What can you do to fight back? First and foremost, you can donate now to help Family Research Council (FRC) reach our 2016 year-end budget goal of $975,000 by December 31.
Backed by hundreds of millions of dollars, they -- and other left-wing groups -- will try EVERY POLITICAL TRICK IN THE BOOK to influence the Trump administration and Congress:You see, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have already had record-breaking fundraising immediately after the election.
FRC must counter these efforts. FRC experts will be on Capitol Hill -- and we will be at the White House -- debunking the deception of the Left.
- Not to protect religious freedom of Christians against the LGBTQ+ attempts to criminalize our beliefs on sexuality.
- Not to confirm a conservative U.S. Supreme Court justice.
- Not to defund Planned Parenthood.
- Not to overturn Obamacare and its discrimination against Christians and its attacks on the unborn and disabled.
We will remind President Trump and Members of Congress of their campaign promises.
The key link, however, is you.
You must be there for FRC so that our team of experts can work on your behalf . . . against Planned Parenthood . . . against the radical homosexual activists like the Human Rights Campaign . . . against secular giants like the ACLU.
For FRC to be at full strength when Congress is sworn in three weeks from today, we must receive $975,000 by December 31 to finish 2016 on track.
Will you take a moment now to give your year-end gift and ensure we meet our goal?
The Left isn't going away.
So let's make sure we didn't win the 2016 election battle just to lose the 2017 policy war. Thank you for standing in November. And thank you for standing now.
Standing (Eph. 6:13),
Tony Perkins
P.S. Fellow FRC supporters are so concerned about the Left's plans they have offered a $250,000 MATCHING GRANT to double your year-end gift! Every dollar will go TWICE AS FAR up to the combined total of $250,000. So please be generous and help us reach our goal! Remember, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have already raised staggering amounts to attack you, your beliefs, your religious freedom, and your family. Answer these radicals with your year-end donation to FRC right now. Thank you!
Well Perkins is right about one thing. We are NOT going away. I'm certainly not.
And I intend to have a rip-snorting, ass-kicking, hell-raising time during these upcoming four years. I hope y'all got some vitamin E. And oxygen. Lots and lots of oxygen.